16:31: Station 34 dispatched with Superior Ambulance to William Flynn Highway at Boyers Road for a rollover MVA with unknown injuries. A log truck is involved; it is not clear if it is the vehicle that rolled over.
16:33: Chief 34 is requesting Station 33 be added; they are being alerted now.
16:35: Engine 33-2 is responding.
16:36: C-34 is on scene with the log truck on its side right at the Forestville Beer Distributor. He needs Route 8 closed. PSP and Station 33 is to be advised to close Route 8 at Route 108.
16:38: Engine 34 is en route. C-34 is advising he needs someone to close the road at Harrisville and detour traffic.
16:39: SQ-34 is to handle the closure.
16:40: En-34 states they’ve passed that point and are going to shut it down at Browntown Road. C-34 states he needs trucks detoured. En-33-2 is approaching. En-34 is on scene now at Browntown and William Flynn. SQ-34 is asking them to loop back and shut it down in Harrisville at the light and re-route big trucks out of town.
16:42: Command requests PennDOT be notified for traffic control.
16:43: Route 8 is reportedly closed at Route 108. C-34 states they just need to get things cleared up and get traffic out; injuries are being taken care of but he needs all traffic shut down for now. Utility 33 is en route; C-33 is instructing them to grab as much HAZMAT “stuff” as they can before they come out.
16:44: En-34 reports they are on scene and have a lot of traffic heading southbound. They will need another unit at Browntown Road to ensure no traffic reaches the scene.
16:45: C-34 is asking if the Township or Boro can handle the Browntown intersection.
16:47: Command states Control can check with PSP, but they’ll probably need to start a heavy wrecker for a fully-loaded log truck on its side. If PSP allows it, they need to get one started.
16:49: Command is asking Control if Harrisville Boro PD are on duty tonight and advised negative.
16:50: Command is checking for an ETA on PSP; he’s advised 10-15 minutes and is asking if Slippery Rock Boro PD can assist.
16:51: Control now advising that SR Boro PD are not on duty, either.
17:13: Lt-34 advises C-34 a log truck is now approaching to unload the one that rolled.
17:56: Command is asking if Control has heard from PennDOT. Control states they were notified when requested and said they would be up.
18:10: Station 33 units are back in service.
18:21: EN-34 reports PennDOT has a road closed sign placed at their location. C-34 states they’ll probably be there awhile, but EN-34 can return to station for now.
18:46: Canadian National Railway has asked if the trestle is involved; Command states it is not.
20:31: Control states PSP had to leave the Rt 108 intersection and is requesting Command have more flares there. Command states he isn’t sure if he can help with flares, but he will send PennDOT there.
21:41: William Flynn Hwy is reopened and Command is terminated.