Motorcycle Crash: Prospect Road, Brady Twp

14:56: Stations 14 and 99 dispatched for a motorcycle MVA with at least 2 injuries near 2712 Prospect Road, Brady Township. There is at least 1 male with a head injury, but no indication of the other injured party’s status. This is reportedly just north of West Liberty Road.

14:57: A helicopter is being requested on standby by (C-14-3?).

14:58: C-33 offered a full crew for assistance and Station 33 is now being alerted.

15:01: Stat 3 is on airborne standby with an 11 minute ETA if needed. They are currently en route to their base at UPMC Cranberry returning from UPMC Presbyterian.

15:03: C-33 is on scene with 1 motorcycle off the roadway. 1 male on the roadway appears unresponsive, 1 female conscious/alert.

15:04: C-33 is recommending air medical be put in the air.

15:05: C-33 is instructing Control to send the helicopter to the campgrounds.

15:05: C-33 is now requesting Control check the availability of a second aircraft.

15:06: Control states the second aircraft will be another Stat helicopter with a 14 minute ETA.

15:07: 99-5 is requesting a patient update. Male patient is altered LOC, with obvious head injury and severe bleeding; a female is complaining of severe shortness of breath and pain all over. C-33 recommends flying the 2nd patient as well and EMS concurs; C-33 is asking for the 2nd aircraft in the air. Stat 3, which was originally on airborne standby, has just touched down at their base at Cranberry.

15:11: SQ-14 is out for the landing zone at Moraine Camplands. Stat 8 is airborne from Grove City Airport (29D).

15:17: The ground crew is reporting visual contact on Stat 8, but is not getting a response from the pilot. Stat 3 is not yet airborne again.

15:20: Stat 3 is now departing UPMC Cranberry.

15:21: LZ-14 is requesting Command confirm that 2 helicopters are needed. C-33 states 99-5 is en route to the LZ now and 99-2 will be momentarily. The LZ crew reports Stat 8 is on the ground and they’re only aware of 1 helicopter being dispatched.

15:22: C-33 is asking Control to verify Stat 3 was put in the air. The air crew on the ground has just received confirmation that Stat 3 is en route.

15:23: Control is now advising Stat 3 is 7 minutes out. They are crossing the Cranberry – Jackson Twp line now.

15:25: 99-2 is out at the LZ.

15:27: Stat 3 is approaching Prospect Borough from the south and will pass just to the east. The pilot is now contacting the ground crew for her LZ briefing.

15:28: C-33 reports the motorcycle is off the roadway and Station 33 units are back in service from the scene.

15:39: Stat 8 is being reported in the air to AGH.

15:47: Stat 3 is now airborne en route to AGH as well. The incident is terminated; all units are back in service.

15:50: 99-2 is reporting clear of the LZ, in service.

15:53: En-14 is now reporting clear and in service, as well.

15:57: Stat 8 is arriving on the helipad at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh.

~16:05: Stat 3 is arriving at AGH.