01:47: Stations 35 and 44 alerted for a head-on MVA involving a car vs semi-truck in the 1100 block of Oneida Valley Road near Weed Road. This is approximately ¼ mile north of Mahood Road. Chief 35 acknowledges.
01:48: Control states they are getting reports this involves 2 vehicles, head-on, with 1 rolled over.
01:49: Control is asking C-35 if he copied the update; they’re repeating this is a vehicle vs semi with the vehicle overturned. All of the callers so far are unsure of injuries or entrapment. Station 44 acknowledges.
01:51: C-35 and 44-2 are responding; Control is advising 56-2 was in the area, returning from another call, and has started this way. All units are advised the operator of the tractor-trailer has called in; he does “not want to go near” the other vehicle which “struck him.” He believes there to be “critical injuries.”
01:52: 44-2 is requesting Control check on the availability of air medical.
01:53: Lieutenant 35 is on scene.
01:54: C-35 is reporting 4 victims; 3 are ejected from the vehicle and 1 is entrapped in the car. He is requesting a total of 4 ambulances to the scene and at least 2 helicopters in the air.
01:55: Station 99 is being asked if they will have another transport unit. 99-3 is responding with an extended ETA. 56-2 is approaching. Command is instructing them to approach near the tractor-trailer. 56-2 is on location. Control is asking if Randy & Bob’s will work for the landing zone and is advised it will; C-35 is confirming he wants 2 helicopters in the air for now.
01:56: Stations 25 and 9 are requested for traffic control. 99-3 is responding. Stations 25 and 9 are being toned out for the MVA with entrapment.
01:57: Control is asking 99-21 if they have another unit for a Delta response in Butler City; they do not.
01:58: Station 9 acknowledges the call. 99-21 is being advised both helicopter services declined for weather; they are checking if 99-21 wants someone to pick up the flight crew at the Butler Airport (KBTP). 99-21 states that will work for now.
02:02: Rescue 9 is en route. 44-2 is reporting 2 minutes out, requesting orders. Command states they will need to bring the ambulance up through and get the person out of the other side of [the vehicle]; there are multiple patients. 99-2 reports a minute out; they are being given the same orders.
02:03: Command is asking if Station 25 has acknowledged and is advised they have. Rescue 35 and Engine 35 are both approaching, requesting orders. Rescue 25 is responding. Control is asking Command to check with EMS; Station 45 has an extended ETA to pick up the flight crew at the Butler Airport. Either Station 11 or Station 76 can be activated, and Squad 98 can bring the crew from Stat 3 at UPMC Cranberry if an additional flight crew is needed.
02:04: RQ-35 is being directed in front of the car that is rolled over. 99-21 is reporting on scene.
02:05: RQ-35 and EN-35 are on location.
02:08: Control is checking if Command copied the previous inquiry about flight crews. Command is confirming there are no helicopters available. Command is asking if Station 11 is on their way with the flight crew and is advised not yet, Control needs the go-ahead. Command confirms Station 11 is to be alerted.
02:09: Station 11 is being toned out for the call.
02:10: 99-3 is a mile out. Their victim is still entrapped in the car. Command states they’ll have to stay pretty far back, behind a PSP vehicle, to let the other ambulances out.
02:11: RQ-9 is approaching. Station 99 is sending another call to Station 62 for backup.
02:14: RQ-9 is reporting on scene at the Mahood Road intersection. RQ-25 just turned off of Mahood and is requesting instructions with no immediate reply.
02:15: 56-2 is telling Command they need a driver to their position.
02:16: Second alert for Station 11 due to no acknowledgment.
02:18: Command is attempting to instruct a unit transporting the LifeFlight crew to rendezvous with 56-2; they are going en route momentarily heading south on Route 38. 56-2 is reporting they are on their way. Control is advising they are still working on getting the flight crew on the road, otherwise the rendezvous will be at the airport in Penn Township.
02:19: Station 45 reports they have an EMT on station if still needed.
02:21: Station 45 is asking 56-2 if they are needed; 99-21 and 99-2 are asking Control if the flight crew can make it to the scene and are advised the helicopters are grounded. Control states if another flight crew is needed, they can get a response unit to bring Stat across Route 228 and up Route 8 to rendezvous.
02:22: Squad 11 acknowledges the call. Station 45 is released but is going to have an EMT standing by on station in case anything changes.
02:23: Control is advising 99-21 that a 955 response unit is able to pickup the Stat crew in Cranberry for a possible rendezvous, if needed. Command is marking patient extrication complete.
02:24: 99-2 (with 99-21 on board) is advising Control to get whichever flight crew is closest, they are heading back Route 38 toward Butler Hospital at this time. Control states 56-2 is getting the LF-4 crew; they will start the Stat 3 crew toward 99-2 with the 955 unit. 56-2 reports they are on Rt 38 southbound at (passing) Hunter’s Truck Sales. 99-2 is asking if they have a flight crew onboard yet; they do not.
02:25: Control is advising SQ-11 the flight crew is awaiting his arrival, and SQ-11 is then to rendezvous with 56-2. SQ-11 states he is at the airport.
02:26: Control is checking with 56-2(?) if SQ-11 is still needed with the LF-4 crew for their patient; they’re advising they want SQ-11 to rendezvous with them at the Butler Hospital. The ER is being notified to assist also (patient will need transported to a trauma facility in Pittsburgh). 99-2 states they can rendezvous with the Stat 3 flight crew near the intersection of Routes 228 and 8. Control states 955 is en route to pickup the crew now.
02:27: Per Control Stat has advised they have transportation available at their helipad and are going to go en route to the rendezvous. 955 is advised they are NOT needed for a pickup at this time.
02:28: Control is asking 99-2 for their ETA to the rendezvous at Rt 8/228. They state about 16 minutes, they are just passing BMH now.
02:31: SQ-11 is advising 56-2 they just left the airport; they’re instructed to come to the emergency room of the Butler Hospital.
02:32: 44-2 is transporting to Butler Hospital.
02:33: Control is advising 99-2 that Stat is going to have their crew attempt to communicate on one of two ICORRS channels; 99-2 to try to monitor both as Stat is unsure which will be accessible to them.
02:34: 99-3 is transporting 1 patient, ALS, to UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh.
02:35: 44-2 is asking Control if all of the flight crews are committed at this time and is advised that both LF-4 and Stat 3 have flight crews en route to rendezvous with the other units from the scene. He states the only other option currently available is the AHN Medic Response truck (Medic 955) that is starting toward Route 8 if anyone needs them.
02:36: Command is requesting a BLS ambulance to the scene for a patient evaluation. Control states he will see who is available.
02:37: 45-3 is offering to respond for the evaluation; Control states they are pretty much the only unit left. They state they’ll be slightly extended, but on their way.
02:42: SQ-11 is out at BMH.
02:43: 99-2 is asking if Control has had any contact with Stat 3 (they previously attempted radio contact unsuccessfully) and is advised negative, but he will attempt to check with them.
02:45: Control asked for an ETA to the intersection from 99-2; they state they’re at the top of the hill, at the housing plan. They’re going to spin around. Medic 955 states she is at the intersection now and is asking if they need the flight crew or an extra set of hands. She is not getting an immediate reply.
02:46: Per Control, StatCom gave only the 15 minute ETA for their flight crew coming from Cranberry; 99-2 is now canceling the flight crew, they are continuing, emergency, to Pittsburgh. 955 states she is directly behind 99-2 if they need help; they state they are okay (99-21 is on board).
02:50: Command is being asked to either secure 99-21’s vehicle on scene or transport it to BMH.
02:56: Control is checking on 99-2’s destination; it will be Allegheny General.
02:59: 52-2 is being asked if they can standby in the area of the Clearview Mall or Unionville Fire Hall (Station 14) to provide coverage for “pretty much the county.”
03:02: 44-2 is clear from Butler Hospital, but is returning to the scene for a patient they’ve been told will be a refusal. Control is advising 45-3 is en route for an evaluation; they’re unsure if it’s the same patient.
03:03: 44-2 is asking 45-3 their location; 45-3 is on Route 38 reporting less than 10 minutes out. 44-2 is asking them to go ahead and do the evaluation; they’re returning to the scene with Station 35 personnel.
03:04: 45-3 is approaching the scene.
03:05: 45-3 is on location.
03:06: SQ-11 is back in service.
03:15: 56-2 now reports they are en route to UPMC Children’s Hospital from the Butler ER with the flight crew onboard.
03:19: 99-3 is out at Presby.
03:25: 45-3 is back in service with a patient refusal.
03:41: Station 99 is releasing 52-2 from their standby. 44-2 is clear of the incident and back in service.
03:45: 99-3 is clear of Presby.
08:17: C-25-2 is reporting his units are clear of the scene, back in service.