Male Fell From Bridge Into Creek: Butler City

11:25: Stations 1 and 99 dispatched to the area of 201 S. Monroe St, Butler City, for a 3rd party report of a person in the creek bed, unknown problem.

11:26: Tower 1 and Engine 1-2 are responding.

11:27: 99-2 and Chief 1 are en route.

11:28: City units are on scene but asking for a better location; they state they have 1 person (fishing?). Control states they’ve had 1 report from a person who stopped in the auto parts store.

11:29: TR-1 is being directed to the parking lot of the car wash.

11:30: EN-1-2 is advised they will need a backboard and Stokes basket.

11:31: TR-1 is advising Control the male fell off the train bridge into the creek. Engine 38 is requested for manpower; they will be setting up a rope system. Station 38 copies direct and is responding.

11:32: 99-2 is requesting the closest available aircraft on standby and is also asking Control to have the railroad company shut down the tracks in the area.

11:33: Per Control, LifeFlight is standing by.

11:36: TR-1 is asking Control to confirm if rail traffic is shut down; Control states they’re still working on it. TR-1 states they can hear a train in the background.

11:37: Control is advising Command the railroad reports the tracks are shut down, but there are trains in the area.

11:39: EN-38 is on scene. 99-21 is now requesting Herman Station 10 for their UTV.

11:40: Station 10 is being toned out.

11:41: The helicopter is requested in the air.

11:43: Per Control, LF-4 will be en route to the BMH helipad. Second alert for Station 10. LF-4 is departing their base at the Butler Airport now. Captain 10 acknowledges the call for his station.

11:45: Station 10 acknowledges the call.

11:48: LF-4 is on the helipad at BMH.

11:53: C-1 is canceling Station 10; the patient is already in the ambulance.

11:57: 99-2 is en route to the hospital to rendezvous with the aircraft. EN-38 is clear of the scene.

11:58: Per C-1, all personnel and vehicles are clear of the railroad tracks and the railroad can be notified to resume traffic.

12:05: The aircraft has not yet departed BMH.

12:11: LF-4 is now airborne from the helipad; 99-21 reports they are en route to AGH.

12:12: Incident is terminated.

12:16: 99-2 is clear of the incident.

12:17: C-1 reports he is clear of the tracks now, as well, and he states he is the last unit.

12:26: LF-4 is arriving at Allegheny General Hospital.