MVA: Villa Drive, Butler Twp

02:50: Stations 3, 38 and 99 dispatched for an automatic crash notification with no voice contact in the area of 963 Villa Drive, Butler Township.

02:51: 99-2 is responding.

02:53: Second alert for Station 3 due to no acknowledgment.

02:54: Engine 38 is responding. A Station 3 firefighter is acknowledging the call and responding to her station.

02:55: Control is advising all units they received a second call advising they could hear a female screaming they “were not able to find their mother.” There was no further information. Chief 3-2 is en route to the scene.

02:58: 99-2 is on scene reporting 1 vehicle on the side of the road.

02:59: EN-38 is on location.

03:02: Rescues 3 and 3-2 are responding.

03:04: RQ-3 is approaching; they’re instructed to park behind EN-38 and provide absorbent materials for cleanup. RQ-3 and C-3-2 are now on scene.

03:05: RQ-3-2 is approaching.

03:06: RQ-3-2 is instructed to stage on their line of approach and bring absorbent materials up to the scene. They are now reporting on scene as well.

03:17: 99-2 is back in service with patient refusal.

03:24: EN-38 is clear and back in service.

03:38: Villa Drive Command is terminated; all units are back in service.