Tractor-Trailer vs Pole: Pittsburgh Street

13:42: Station 15 and Freeport EMS dispatched for an MVA with unknown injuries, 223 Pittsburgh St. in front of the Orchards. Tractor-trailer vs pole, wires down, catching the yard on fire.

13:45: Freeport 70-4 is responding, checking if there were reported injuries. Control states that’s unknown, there are no units on scene yet.

13:47: SQ-15-2 on scene.

13:49: Chief 15-2 is on scene assuming Command.

13:50: Command states Pittsburgh St is to be closed from Main Street to the roundabout. Pole down with high tension wires.

13:59: 70-4 is on location; they’re instructed to just pull into the parking lot at this time.

14:00: 70-4 is now being released by Command.

14:30: Per Control, all relevant utility companies have been notified; no ETA was given for any of them.

14:56: Command is terminated; all fire units are back in service. There was no indication if the road has been reopened.