Two GSW Patients: Perry Hwy Park-n-Ride

17:26: Station 64 dispatched to assist PSP with two gunshot wound patients at the Park-n-Ride, 1780 Perry Highway in Muddy Creek Township. There is one patient with agonal breathing.

17:29: Second alert for Station 64 due to no acknowledgment; Station 52 is now added and acknowledges the call.

17:30: Station 64 acknowledges the call. Control states PSP is now reporting both patients are DOA, but EMS is still to respond.

17:31: 52-1 is responding; Control is repeating the update that both patients are reportedly DOA.

17:33: Control is advising 64 is en route, and PSP has just called back now requesting a helicopter.

17:34: 64-1 is responding. Control is advising PSP requested a helicopter to the scene and 64-1 is requesting Station 24 for the landing zone.

17:35: Station 24 is being activated to setup the LZ at the scene.

17:36: Per Control, the responding helicopter will be Stat MedEvac 8 with an ETA of 7-8 minutes now.

17:38: 64-1 is on scene. Control is checking for acknowledgment from Station 24 and they state they did not copy the call. They’re advised they’re to assist with the LZ and acknowledge the call. They’re advised PSP and 64-1 are already on location.

17:41: Rescue 24 is en route. 64-1 is advising them of the helicopter’s ETA and that the end of the area is clear. Stat 8 is airborne from the Grove City Airport.

17:45: Stat 8 reports they are about 2 minutes out and is requesting their landing zone briefing.

17:46: The ground crew reports visual on the aircraft. The pilot states he sees fire personnel in the LZ and needs them cleared out; he’s also concerned about blowing signs over(?) and is asking if traffic can be stopped at the intersection in case. RQ-24 states all traffic will be stopped.

17:48: Stat 8 is marked on the ground.

18:05: Control is advising RQ-24 that PSP is requesting they close some roadways. RQ-24 is asking if they specified which one(s). Control is advising them to contact Troopers on scene for that.

18:08: Control is checking the status of units on scene. 52-1 reports Station 64 is out of service, and 52-1 will be on scene for an extended period.

18:10: Chief 24-2 is asking Control to contact LEOC to tone out Station 1400 to shut down the ramp to get onto Route 19 SB to NB. (Third party information reports 1400 is to close both Rt 19 ramps from Rt 422.)

18:12: Stat 8 is airborne, headed north toward their base. No word on the scanner.

18:17: Lawrence County Station 1400 units report they are en route.

18:21: Station 1400 units are on scene.

18:32: 52-1 is reporting 64-1 will remain on scene. The scene is being turned over to PSP and 52-1 is back in service, returning to station. Control is asking to which hospital Stat 8 transported and is advised they returned to their base.

19:12: 1407 reports they have been relieved by PennDOT.

19:14: Station 1400 units are clearing with LEOC.

19:17: Station 24 units are clearing from the scene.

21:52: Station 24 has been requested by PSP back to the park and ride for a wash-down.

22:03: 64-1 is clear of the scene but remains out of service at this time.

22:53: EN-24 is back in service.