Fire: Cleveland Cliffs Melt Shop

00:26: Engine 54 is contacting Control and asking for the 1st alarm to standby at the Route 8 gates for a fire at the melt shop.

00:27: Stations 3, 1 and 99 alerted for the standby. Stations 3 and 99 acknowledge; 99 will standby from their station.

00:28: Chief 3-2, Engine 1 and Rescue 1 are responding to the gate.

00:31: Rescue 3 is en route.

00:33: City units are staging.

00:34: EN-54 is now requesting both City apparatus proceed into the scene with their manpower. C-3-2 is asking EN-54 if this is the same place as “last time,” but the response is not clear.

00:35: RQ-3 is at the gate asking if they are to proceed in as well; EN-54 is asking them to standby at the gate for now.

00:36: C-3-2 is advising Station 3 units are already in the plant and is asking if they are to continue down into the mill; EN-54 states that’s fine, to continue in. Control is asking C-3-2 if Chief 3 is to be re-alerted due to no acknowledgment and C-3-2 advises to hold off until they see what they have.

00:37: EN-1 is establishing Command. Ladder 3 is responding. C-3-2 is arriving on scene also.

00:38: Rescue 3-2 is en route. EN-1 is asking for off-duty shifts to be called back to cover the City.

00:39: City shifts are activated.

00:41: LR-3 is staging.

00:45: C-3-2 is requesting a status check from EN-1 who states there are some hotspots and Station 3 crews can hold outside.

00:47: RQ-3-2 is arriving at the gate and is instructed to stage next to LR-3.

00:49: Control is reporting Command is 20 minutes into the incident, and there has been nothing out of the other City shifts — Control attempted to call down with no answer.

00:58: C-3-2 is now releasing any unit staging, not inside the mill already. LR-3 and RQ-3-2 are back in service.

01:05: Command is advising Control to stop the incident timer.

01:24: EN-1 is reporting both City apparatus are back in service, returning.

01:31: C-3-2 is terminating Command; all remaining units are back in service.