House Fire: Moran Road

19:27: Stations 10, 9, 1, and 44 dispatched to 399 Moran Road in Clearfield Twp. A caller reports his house is on fire and everyone is out.

19:28: Station 10 acknowledges the call.

19:29: Control is advising all units they are taking multiple calls on this; the fire is visible from Rt 422 and is at the intersection of Moran Road and Rt 422.

19:30: Rescue 1 and Engine 1 as well as 44-2 are en route.

19:31: C-10 is asking to confirm there have been multiple calls; Control states affirmative and there have been callers from 422. C-10 is requesting the second alarm and states Engine 10 will be en route.

19:32: Stations 15, 26, 27 are added to the call.

19:33: Additional City shifts are requested to their Station.

19:34: C-10 is requesting 3rd Alarm tankers.

19:35: Tanker 10 is en route. Stations 3 and 35 are added to the call for tankers and both acknowledge the call. EN-9 is on scene reporting a fully-involved structure; Lt-9 has Command at this time. C-10 is asking Control to contact West Penn Power.

19:36: Tanker 27 is responding. Station 15 acknowledges the call. C-10 is asking for Station 8 to setup a fill site on Madison Avenue in East Butler. 44-2 is on scene.

19:37: Tanker 35 en route. Chief 8 acknowledges and is responding.

19:38: Second alert for Station 26. EN-1 is approaching. EN-26 is now responding. EN-1 is to pull onto Moran Road and send their manpower.

19:39: TN-10 is instructed to bring their porta-tank behind EN-9. EN-1 is now reporting on scene. Station 8 acknowledges the call. Tanker 15 is responding.

19:40: TN-10 is on location.

19:42: Rescue 26 is en route.

19:43: C-27-2 is requesting Station 36 standby to cover the township.

19:44: Control is advising the power company has been notified and will complete a remote disconnect.

19:45: Station 36 acknowledges the standby. TN-35 is approaching, requesting orders. They’re to back into Moran Road and dump into the porta-tank and are now reporting on scene.

19:46: EN-26-2 is requesting orders. They’re to pull in with EN-1.

19:47: EN-26-2 is now on location. Tanker 3 is responding.

19:51: TN-15 is approaching; they’re to pull in behind and tie into EN(?)-10. TN-27 is also approaching.

19:52: TN-35 is on location. TN-27 is to stage behind TN-15 and send their manpower to EN-10.

19:53: Chief 8 is reporting out to establish the fill site.

19:55: TN-15 and possibly TN-27 are on scene.

19:58: A crew in the attic is reporting the fire is knocked there.

20:02: EN-27 is approaching.

20:04: TN-3 is approaching and is now released by Command. Command is now also releasing any other units not on scene.

20:05: A chainsaw is needed in the attic.

20:06: C-8 reports the water supply has been established.

20:31: Station 1 units are back in service, returning.

20:53: TN-15 is clear; Station 15 FP remain.

20:55: Per Command, the fill site can begin to break down.

20:56: EN-27 is back in service.

21:02: FP at the intersection of Snyder and Moran are released.

21:05: C-27-2 reports his station is clear and Station 36 can clear from standby.

21:07: C-8 is reporting all units(?) clear.

21:22: FP units are discussing reopening all 4 lanes (of 422).

21:34: Station 15 FP are back in service.

21:35: FP-Cap-8 states he is the last Station 8 unit clearing the scene. TN-35-2 has been released; all Station 35 units are back in service.

21:49: C-26 is reporting his units are clear and returning.

21:52: EN-9 is back in service.

21:53: 44-2 is clear from the scene.

22:09: Moran Road Command terminated; Station 10 units are returning in service.