Search: Moraine State Park

18:46: Stations 13 and 99 dispatched for a search for 2 people at Moraine State Park. They are requested to respond off Country Club Road in Franklin Township at the North County Club Road parking lot. Chief 13-2 acknowledges the call.

18:48: 99-8 is responding.

18:49: Control is advising C-13-2 that the park Rangers are also responding.

18:53: Brush 13 and UTV 13 are responding.

18:56: Engine 13 is en route.

18:58: BR-13 is on scene; C-13-2 has Country Club Command.

19:01: Station 14 is being toned out to assist with the search.

19:02: Station 14 acknowledges.

19:13: Brush 14 and Utility 14 are en route.

19:14: C-13-2 is asking C-14-2 to have a truck come in off Burton Road to the trailhead and start that way. The contact(?) is unfamiliar with the exact area.

19:15: C-13-2 states he is not familiar with that trail specifically but has a UTV on scene already if needed. UT-14 and RQ-14 are going to continue to the original location; BR-14 is responding to the trailhead.

19:16: C-14-2 is now advised to disregard the Burton Road instructions and proceed to Country Club.

19:21 BR-14 on scene.

19:32: Command is advising UTV 13 that if there is no contact made in 15 minutes, he will request drones.

19:34: RQ-14 is on location.

19:46: UTV-13 is advising Command they have met up with the other UTV and neither have located anything at this time. Command states the drones have been contacted and are on their way. Team 300 Water Rescue may be needed.

19:48: Command is asking Control to have a boat from Team 300 respond to the Rt 528 boat launch.

19:51: Chief 300 acknowledges the call.

19:50: Team 300 is alerted for the call.

19:53: A Station 19 unit is reporting en route with 2 technicians from TM-300.

19:55: Squad 20 is responding for TM-300.

20:00: RQ-14 is advising Command they’ve received an ETA on the drones of 25 minutes.

20:01: Another unit (possibly Rescue 55?) is advising Command they are approximately 30 minutes out.

20:07: TM-300 has a boat en route now.

20:12: C-14-2 is asking Lt-13 about their search plans. C-14-2 states they just spotted flashlights come out on the one trail and he’s trying to figure out who those people were; Lt-13 doesn’t believe it was any of them, possibly the Rangers. C-14-2 states they’re going to be regrouping.

20:19: C-14-2 is advising some of their personnel have made audible contact with the missing parties; working on getting a GPS location; the best egress is possibly by boat from the lake.

20:21: C-14-2 is sending GPS coordinates to C-300 and advising they’ll need to get the boat to that location.

20:22: Command states the drone is deploying now.

20:24: Contact has been confirmed; the victims are working toward the lake shore and will try to signal the rescue boat with their lights.

20:25: Units with the victims are stating the terrain and brush are too thick for land egress. The patients are reportedly in good health but Command is sending the EMS unit to evaluate anyway.

20:28: C-14-2 is instructing the boat crew to use minimal manpower; they may be extracting 6 people. SQ-20 is approaching with 2 additional boats. They are to stage at the launch area.

20:29: A unit, possibly a UTV, is advising they may need removed by boat as well as they don’t believe they’ll be able to make it out up a hill. Six patients are confirmed.

20:30: C-14-2 is advising Command that the rescuers as well as victims will be coming out by boat. Command is now canceling Emlenton Rescue; they had been requested for their thermal drone.

20:32: SQ-20 is on location at the launch site with Boat 300.

20:38: Boat 14 is reporting to Command they are almost back to the dock with all 6 patients onboard.

20:39: BR-14 and the 2 UTVs are on their way out per C-14-2.

20:45: UT-14 is back in service.

20:46: C-300 states all personnel are back at the 528 boat launch now.

20:47: Command is reporting to Control that the individuals have been located.

20:58: Chief 300 is reporting that all of his units are clear of 528; the patients are being transported back to their vehicles at the Country Club Road location.

21:02: BR-14 is advising C-33 they are clearing this incident and is offering assistance with the fire call on Primrose Lane.

21:05: North Country Club Command is terminated; Stations 13 and 14 are back in service from the incident.