Stove Fire: Carbon Center Road

15:24: Stations 9, 10, 26, and 44 along with Armstrong 250 dispatched for a stove on fire at 481 Carbon Center Road in Clearfield Township.

15:25: Station 10 acknowledges.

15:26: 44-2 is responding. Station 26 acknowledges the call and requests a re-trip for manpower.

15:27: Lieutenant 9 is also requesting a re-trip for manpower.

15:30: E-26 en route.

15:33: Engine 250-1 is responding.

15:35: 44-2 is on location with nothing evident from the exterior. Engine 9 is en route.

15:41: E-250-1 released; all other units downgraded to non-emergency.

15:47: All units not on scene are not released by Command.

15:52: Incident terminated.