Vehicle vs House: Chicora Road

12:14: Stations 35 and 99 alerted for an MVA with injury, vehicle into a house, the car is smoking, at 842 Chicora Road in Oakland Township. The driver is reportedly unconscious at dispatch.

12:15: Lieutenant 35-2 is responding to the scene. Chief 8 is reporting his brush truck is in the area and is asking if they’re needed.

12:16: C-8 is now asked to proceed in; B-8 advises Control they are en route.

12:19: Station 35 acknowledges the call with 1 firefighter on station. Lieutenant 35 is responding to the station.

12:21 : Lt-35-2 is on scene confirming 1 car into a house with the occupants out. C-8 is also on scene. Someone is asking if there is fire there and the answer is negative.

12:22: C-8 is reporting they have 1 walking wounded, possible refusal.

12:23: C-8 is advising Control of possible alcohol involvement.

12:25: 99-5 is receiving orders from C-8 to pull in behind a pickup truck. Engine 35 is responding. 99-5 is now reporting on location.

12:26: Rescue 35 is en route. Lt-35-2 is asking if PSP has been notified yet and Control states affirmative.

12:34: R-35 is approaching; they are to setup flares at the nearest bend. E-35 is also approaching; they are to go past the scene and setup flares on the other end.

12:35: R-35 and E-35 are now reporting on location.

12:39: E-35 reports the flares have been placed and is requesting further orders; they are to keep the truck where it is and send their manpower to the scene.

12:44: B-8 is back in service.

12:56: The 99 unit is now reporting inbound to BMH with the driver.

13:20: Traffic control remains ongoing at the scene; however, there have been no further significant updates.

13:30: Traffic is to be held; the tow truck is coming through now.

13:43: Command is advising E-35 to come down and pick up their manpower.

13:48: This incident is terminated; all units are now back in service.