Poss Structure Fire: Branchton Road

10:46: Stations 30, 32, 31, 25, 29 and Emlenton EMS alerted for a possible structure fire at 1994 Branchton Road in Washington Township. Caller has a wood stove pipe on the side of the house on fire.

10:47: Chief 31 acknowledges the call.

10:48: Control is advising that the caller has called back reporting they believe the fire is possibly out.

10:49: Chief 8 reports they are responding. Chief 25 is en route to his station.

10:50: Engine 32 and Tanker 32 are en route. Station 29 acknowledges the call; Squad 29 is responding. Brush 8 is en route from Eau Claire. Station 25 acknowledges the call with 3 firefighters on station.

10:54: Rescue 25 is responding.

10:55: E-32 is on scene with Command reporting nothing evident from the exterior; all units are to proceed non-emergency.

10:56: S-29 and B-8 are on location. Engine 31 is en route.

10:57: E-32 is asking which units are responding and is advised E-31 and R-25; E-32 states they can hold position. Control is asking if EMS is needed; they are asked to standby at Station 32 but they won’t be needed.

10:58: Chief 30-3 is asking if they are to standby also and E-32 states affirmative.

11:01: Tanker 25 is reporting en route but is advised of the order to standby per Command.

11:02: 55-4 reports they are staging.

11:03: Command is now placing all units back in service except those already on scene.

11:16: Incident terminated; all units are back in service.