Attic Fire: Downieville Road

18:39: Station 90 structure fire response dispatched for an attic on fire, 277 Downieville Rd, Adams Twp. Station 21 acknowledges the call but states they may be unavailable for 2nd call. C-42 en route.

18:41: E-21 is being diverted from the previous call. E-42, T-42 en route.

18:42: Control is now advising that PD are on scene with a working fire. C-42 is on scene confirming. Control is asking if he did not copy the PD update, he states no, but he sees it.

18:43: 228-Truck is en route. C-21 stating all 21 units diverting to the fire from I-79.

18:44: Command states the residence is heavily involved on 2nd division and attic. All occupants are out. E-42 to take the closest hydrant. 76 asking if the rehab trailer is needed and the response is affirmative. E-42 has no hydrant on their line of approach. T-42 is on scene, first due truck.

18:45: Command states this will be an exterior attack for the time being with a 2½” line.

18:46: Ladder 22 is en route. Downieville will be closed off to allow them to lay in from the hydrant.

18:49: E-19 to establish a line to T-42.

18:50: E-21 is arriving on location.

18:51: Command is asking Control to inform the power company and alert all units that this is an exterior firefight.

18:52: Someone is reporting structural collapse, Bravo side garage.

18:53: R-16 on location. “E-42 open up that hydrant, I’m out of water.”

18:54: 76 Rehab is responding. Allegheny 241-Engine is responding.

18:55: L-16 is requesting orders. Someone is asking for the hydrant to be opened again, repeatedly.

18:56: All units are being instructed to stage on the line of approach and send their manpower to Command. Someone is yelling to another to walk up to the hydrant and have them open it up as no one has yet done so.

18:57: 228-Truck and 76-1 are on scene.

18:58: E-19 is being told to put 75 more PSI on the 2½”. T-16 and 241-Engine-1 are on scene.

18:59: C-42 is providing a SITREP: they have 2 2½” lines in operations and the fire continues to be “doubtful.”

19:00: Downieville Road is reported shut down now. Someone is asking T-42 to hit a 2nd division window. Beaver E-26 is en route to fill Station 21. Bulk of fire is in a 2nd division room.

19:02: 228-Squad is en route.

19:03: L-22 is staging. T-42 advised urgent traffic — they are to retract their aerial; E-19 to shut down the line to T-42.

19:04: Command advised by Ops they are shutting down T-42; the outriggers are sinking into the grass.

19:07: Lt-42 advised to pull their crew out. Ops advising Command they were going to proceed inside to investigate; Command is instructing them to come to the Command post first.

19:12: Units are to use caution on side Alpha; the gable roof has no support, the brick wall is unsupported.

19:13: Accountability is asking E-21 their current position; they are operating on Division 2 and the attic(?).

19:16: 228-Squad-1 is on location. Command states the power company has completed a remote disconnect on the wrong address; they have disconnected 277 Downieville (the originally dispatched address), but the fire is at 281. There is no indication the corrected address was ever relayed to Control.

19:22: Command is reporting there is fire in the eaves on side Charlie.

19:25: Control is advising the power company has been updated and should be completing a remote disconnect on the corrected address shortly.

19:26: Command is requesting an update from Ops. Fire is knocked; they are hitting a lot of hot spots on the 2nd division.

19:27: Command is instructing T-42 to go to the basement and secure the power but it has now been shut off. They are instructed to secure the gas lines.

19:28: The T-42 crew is advising Command that the gas has been secured. Command is asking Ops the average air pressure of interior crews; the answer was unclear but they are to start pulling their crews out, there are 2 on the alpha side to replace them.

19:29: Command is instructing crews exiting the structure now to proceed to the rehab unit.

19:31: A representative from the gas company is on scene. Operations is asking Command if they can get salvage carts to begin salvage operations, and there are valuables needing covered (recovered?).

19:32: All original crews have been replaced.

19:34: T-42 is asking Ops for attic ladders on Division 2.

19:42: Command is having crews put water on the garage.

20:59: E-21 is exiting, stating no need for reassignment at this time.

21:00: Attic is reported clear, they are working on hot spots on Division 2.

21:08: Ground ladders are being pulled off of the house.

21:16: Assistance is needed reloading all the lines onto E-19.

21:32: Station 21 personnel are instructed to assist with breaking down lines.

22:14: Units on Downieville staging(?) are released by Command.

22:19: E-19 is clear and available.

22:23: C-21 is reporting his station his clear of the incident.

22:34: Downieville Rd is clear to reopen. Command terminated.