Structure Fire: Parkwood Drive

20:30: Stations 90, 21, and 51 along with Allegheny Stations 228 and 185 and Beaver Station 26 dispatched to 133 Parkwood Drive for a structure fire with multiple calls. 51-4, Engine 19, and Chief 19-2 are en route.

20:31: E-21-2 en route. Another call reports a fight in progress at the scene of the fire. PD notified; units will await an all-clear before proceeding in.

20:32: Tower 42, C-21-2, C-41, C-22-2 en route.

20:33: E-42-2(?) responding.

20:34: Engine 21 is en route.

20:35: Control is advising the scene is clear for units to proceed in; police are also confirming a working fire. Police are reporting an elderly female with dementia is possibly entrapped.

20:36: E-21-2 is on scene with a 2-story multi-family with visible fire from the Alpha side. R-22 to pull a hand line.

20:37: C-42-2 is asking for a run-down of incoming units. Command is unable to complete a 360° but there is confirmation occupants are out of all townhouses. 228-Truck and 228-Engine are responding.

20:38: Ladder 22 is en route. C-42-2 is approaching.

20:39: C-42-2 is on location assuming Command. C-21-2 is also arriving.

20:40: E-21-2(?) is at the hydrant asking to be advised when they’re ready for water. Squad 22-2 is en route.

20:41: Squad 20 is responding. 51-4 and T-42 are on location. Engine 42-3 is responding. C-22-2 is on scene.

20:42: E-19 is on location, staged on Rolling Road.

20:43: 185-Engine is approaching with 228-Tower behind them; they are to stage on Rolling Road.

20:44: T-21 is en route. 228-Tower is on scene. Engine 26 is en route.

20:45: E-21-2 crew on the interior is reporting they have a knock and there is no extension but they need the utilities shut off.

20:47: E-42-2 is on location.

20:51: E-26 is on scene. The roof crew is reporting they have made a hole and there is heat and smoke evacuating through the ceiling but no fire visible.

20:53: Control is advising Penn Power has been notified and gave a 60-90 minute ETA.

20:54: Command is reporting they are 15 minutes into the incident; there are 2 lines into the structure, exposures are being checked, there are ladders on all sides, and the roof is being ventilated.

20:59: The E-21-2 crew is backing out of the interior; another crew will be replacing them.

21:11: E-21-2 is asking Operations if they are okay to begin breaking down the hydrant and they are. Residents from 131 Parkwood are possibly being let back into their residence now.

21:15: The hydrant is reported shut down.

21:18: Allegheny 185-Engine is returning to station.

21:20: Beaver County units are clear of the scene.

21:28: Penn Power is reported on scene now. Ladder 22 is returning to station.

21:44: Station 19 units are back in service.

21:46: 51-4 is clear of the scene.

21:52: Fire Police are all being advised to reopen the road.

21:53: Station 22 units are back in service. Command is now terminated; all fire units are back in service.