House Fire: Herman Road

21:47: Stations 10, 9, 15 and 44 dispatched for a structure fire at 1205 Herman Road in Clearfield Township. Reported house on fire.

21:48: Chief 15-2 is en route to his station; Chief 10 is en route to the scene.

21:49: Chief 15 is responding to his station; Stations 15, 44, and 9 acknowledge the call.

21:50: Lieutenant 10-3 is on scene with a fully involved house, requesting the 2nd alarm. Station 10 acknowledges.

21:51: Stations 26, 27, and Armstrong 250 are added to the call. C-10 is asking for Tankers from the 3rd alarm. 44-1 is responding.

21:52: Command is requesting West Penn Power to the scene. Rescue 9 is responding.

21:53: Station 26 acknowledges. Stations 35 and 8 are added to the call for their Tankers. Station 8 acknowledges. Station 3 is requested to send an Engine to Station 10 for water supply. R-9 is advising Command that Engine 9 is still out of service.

21:54: Station 3 is added to the call for water supply. Tanker 8 is en route.

21:55: C-26 is requested to send both his engines; his ladder will not be needed. Engine 10, Tanker 10, and Tanker 3 are responding. E-10 is instructed to lay in the driveway upon their arrival. Engine 15-2 is responding.

21:56: Rescue 3 and Engine 26-2 are en route.

21:57: T-10 and E-10 on scene.

21:59: R-3 is to go to the fill site; T-3 is to respond to the scene.

22:00: E-27 is en route. Control states the power company is going to attempt a remote disconnect; a crew will be dispatched, but no ETA was available.

22:01: 44-1 is approaching; they are instructed to stage out of the road.

22:02: R-9 and 44-1 are on scene. Engine 250-1 and Tanker 35-2 are en route.

22:03: Rescue 26 and Squad 9 are responding.

22:05: E-15-2 to park on the hard road and send their crew to Command; they are now reporting on location. S-15-2 is advised if they can run one-lane traffic to do so, otherwise shut the road down.

22:06: R-3 is out at Station 10 to setup the water supply. Station 36 is activated to standby for Station 27.

22:07: T-15 is ordered to dump into the portable tank and go back to Station 10 to get refilled. They are now reporting on location.

22:08: T-8 is on scene.

22:09: E-26-2 is turning onto Herman Road; they are to park on the hard road and send their manpower to Command. Captain 3 is on location.

22:10: An apparatus is at ¼ tank; they have not established draft. E-26-2 is on location.

22:11: Second alert for Station 36. E-250 is also instructed to stage on the hard road.

22:13: E-26 is approaching and is given the same orders as the other apparatus. Station 36 acknowledges the standby.

22:14: T-3, T-27, E-27 are approaching. The first unit is out of water. They are to switch to R-9 for supply.

22:15: T-35 is to dump into the portable tank. T-3 and 27 units are on location.

22:17: E-26 is being told to back in at the water supply now. They advised needing 2,000 gallons.

22:18: T-35-2 is on location. C-15-2 is asking Command for manpower for lighting at the rear of the structure.

22:19: C-15-2 also needs ground ladders and a saw. R-26 is on location.

22:22: C-15-2 is asking the location of the interior crew; they are on the Alpha-Delta corner. C-15-2 states there will be water flowing on the Alpha corner(?) where the fire started.

22:23: T-35 is instructed to back in in front of T-8 for the time being.

22:27: C-15-2 is advising interior crews they’re flowing water into the basement now.

22:29: Interior crews state they really need a hand line in the basement; they’re starting to get extension there. C-15-2 advises they are working on that now.

22:30: E-10 instructed to charge a 2½” line.

22:31: Cap-10 is advising C-10 that R-26 is on the hard road; they have the cascade. C-10 states if they can get back the driveway to do so. Cap-10 is going to send them back between tankers.

22:32: 44-1 is requested to bring blankets. C-15-2 is being told to stop the water through the window. Cap-10 is also being asked by the E-10 crew for blankets; he states he’s working on that.

22:35: C-10 is asking what’s the verdict on the cascade. No immediate answer. T-10 is approaching the water supply at Station 10. Cap-10 now states the cascade should be coming back momentarily.

22:41: C-15-2 is reporting there is still fire on the first floor. Interior crews are possibly stating they’ve pulled out(?). C-15-2 states they are hitting it from the yard.

22:45: C-27 is asking Command for a tension ladder on top of the garage door.

22:46: Power crew is coming back the driveway and power is deenergized(?).

22:47: C-15-2 and C-27 are both reporting fire in the roof from their positions.

22:53: C-15-2 is asking C-3-2 if they can get access to the basement again; the room is flared up again pretty good. C-3-2 states he will go back down and check. C-15-2 is going to put a handline through the window. Cap-10 is advising the ambulance will be transporting a firefighter to the hospital; Cap-10 is asking if C-10 wants another EMS unit to standby.

22:54: C-10 is asking if Station 44 will have another ambulance; if not, another one will be requested.

22:55: L-22-3 is asking if Worthington’s Tanker and Engine are both needed; Command states they can return. Their Tanker will stay there for now. Water Supply is instructing Control to have PennDOT respond a salt truck to Herman Road in front of the fire hall.

22:58: 44-1 is transporting, ALS, to Butler Memorial.

22:59: Control is asking Command if another EMS unit is to be dispatched while 44-1 is transporting; Command states 44 has their second unit on location already. 44-2 is now reporting on location.

23:11: Short hooks are being requested at the rear of the structure.

23:12: 44-1 is out at BMH.

23:27: Command is asking for manpower from Station 14.

23:28: Station 14 is toned out. Cap-10 is asking WS to send any free manpower to the scene. He says he can send 3 personnel.

23:29: Chief 14-2 acknowledges the call.

23:33: C-27 is asking Control to have Allegheny Station 169 move to Station 27.

23:34: C-8 is asking for Station 13 to standby on Station 8 or Station 9.

23:35: Station 13 is alerted.

23:37: Utility 14 is responding.

23:39: Brush 8 is responding.

23:40: 44-1 is clear of the hospital and returning to the scene.

23:42: Allegheny 169 reports they are transferring to Station 27.

23:46: Engine 13 is responding to Station 9.

23:50: WS is advising Command that Tanker-250 is asking if they are needed; they are released.

23:51: Command is asking U-14 their ETA; they just turned onto Clearfield Road. Command instructs them to send their manpower to E-10 with packs. B-8 is on location. T-8 is being released by Command.

23:53: U-14 is on location.

23:54: 44-1 is back on the scene.

00:03: E-13 is out at Station 9.

00:06: C-9-2 is asking E-13 if there is anyone at the Station; he says it doesn’t look like it.

00:07: C-9-2 states the ambulance is returning to the station to let them in.

00:14: T-8 is now reporting back in service.

00:25: C-15-2 is asking C-15-3 to have personnel begin moving ladders back to where they belong.

00:27: WS is asking Command if they should break down the water supply and send their manpower to the scene; Command states T-35 is en route to be filled.

00:39: C-15-2 is asking C-10 to have someone bring fuel back for the lights.

00:56: C-15-2 is asking E-10 to send someone around back with a gas can to fill a generator.

01:12: L- or C-10-3 is advising E-10 they just lost foam.

01:13: They got foam back.

01:14: C-3-2 advising R-3 to break down and head back; they’re sending T-3 back now.

01:17: Command is asking T-10 what he has for tankers at this time; there are T-3, E-26 with 2000 gallons, T-27, T-15(?) and R-9 with 2000 gallons. Command states all tankers can return now except T-15.

01:18: Command is asked if both Station 26 apparatus can return; E-26 is to remain due to 5″ line needing wrapped.

01:19: C-3-2 is being asked if R-3 is needed to pickup the personnel they sent to the scene earlier; they do not.

01:24: T-3 is reporting back in service.

01:25: U-14 is back in service.

01:26: C-8 is releasing Station 13 from standby.

01;27: B-8 is returning to station.

01:28: C-10 is advised E-10 has exhausted the foam supply. They’re going to flush now.

01:30: E-10 is advised they can shut a line down.

01:31: Command is instructing T-10 to break down.

01:32: R-3 is clear of the fill site, returning to station. All Station 26 units are back in service.

01:33: E-10 is advising T-10 to shut down the 5″ line.

01:45: C-3-2 is reporting all Station 3 units are clear of the incident.

01:51: Station 27 units are clear of the scene.

02:03: Station 36 and Allegheny 169 are released by C-27.

02:04: All Station 15 units are clear.

02:09: Station 9 units are back in service.

02:11: Command terminated; Station 10 units are in service, returning.