MVA: Bear Creek Hill, Parker

04:41: Stations 29 and 39 alerted for a single vehicle into a tree on Bear Creek Hill, on the Parker side.

04:45: Chief 29 is en route to his station.

04:51: 39-Rescue-1 and Engine 29-2 are en route.

04:52: 39-R-1 is on location.

04:54: 39-Chief is reporting a utility pole number and states the pole and lines are completely blocking the roadway.

04:56: E-29-2 is requesting orders and is instructed to approach the scene and close the roadway. They are now reporting on location.

04:58: Rescue 29 is responding.

05:00: 55-4 is on scene.

05:02: Control is advising Central Electric was notified but no ETA was given, they will be there as soon as possible. 39-C now states the wires are down on the vehicle and is asking Control to make Central Electric aware of that.

05:03: Control is asking if the patient is still in the vehicle and the answer is negative, but the wires are across the roadway and Kittanning Pike will be shutdown until the utility company arrives.

05:04: R-29 is on location.

05:06: C-29 is asking Control to notify the school district of the road closure.

05:12: Control states Central Electric now has a 45 minute ETA and the school bus company has been notified.

05:16: 55-4 is back in service with patient refusal.

05:44: C-29 is instructing C-29-2 to start moving closer to the scene, they’re going to reopen one-lane traffic from the Bruin side of Bear Creek.

05:45: Control states Central Electric called back to report this will actually be West Penn Power; WPP has been notified and gave an ETA of about an hour.

05:50: R-29 states they have a tanker truck and aren’t sure if he’ll be able to get through but C-29 states they can.

05:55: Command is now asking Control to notify the bus company that the road is reopened and school buses can get through.

06:05: Traffic controllers are advising Command the tow truck is arriving.

06:26: Traffic controllers are advised to keep sending one-lane traffic; they’re having trouble clearing the pole.

06:46: Command terminated; Stations 29 and 39 are back in service.