Vehicle Over Embankment: Warrendale Rd

17:10: Stations 42, 19, and 76 dispatched for an MVA near the intersection of Warrendale Road and Eagle Road in Adams Township with one vehicle over the embankment and one male with chest pain. 76-4 is en route.

17:11: Chief 42 and Rescue 42 are responding.

17:12: Engine 19 is en route.

17:13: Control is advising an additional caller reports an individual was ejected from a vehicle. Butler Station 21 and Allegheny Station 228 are requested for their rescues and an air medical unit is to be placed on standby.

17:15: Rescue 21 is responding.

17:16: R-42 is arriving on scene confirming one vehicle off the roadway; they are out investigating.

17:18: R-42 is now stating there are 2 vehicles involved; there is 1 injury with the vehicle on the roadway and another one down over the embankment. 76-3 is requesting Squad 98 be added to the call as well, and they are alerted.

17:19: E-19 is requesting orders; they are to come over the hill to the intersection and stage as a blocker; there is a patient near the entrance to Treesdale and R-42 is going to begin working with the patient that is over the hillside. S-98 acknowledges the call.

17:20: Squad 42 and Chief 42 are on scene. Allegheny 228 Engine 1 is responding. E-19 is now reporting on scene as well.

17:21: 228-Rescue is responding. 76-4 is approaching and on scene.

17:22: Chief 42 is advising Warrendale Road will be fully closed with no access.

17:23: The second EMS unit is to stay on the roadway and bring their equipment up to the intersection. 76-3 is now reporting on scene. Control is advising Command that R-42 had requested an aircraft; LifeFlight 4 is less than 10 minutes out, now departing AGH, and they will be remaining on airborne standby. Command states medics are with the patients now and will advise.

17:25: Control states PD is asking for fire units to close Warrendale at Eagle Road and West Grove. Command advises they are unable to assist as they are currently working with the patient over the hillside. 228-E-1 is instructed to assist with the road closure upon their arrival.

17:26: Command states the paramedics are requesting air medical to the nearest LZ.

17:27: 228-Chief is being asked by Command to take 228-E-1 to the landing zone at Pine Park which will be the nearest LZ. The Engine is awaiting relief at the road closure to depart for the LZ.

17:28: 228-R is being instructed to take traffic control for their engine.

17:29: S-98 is on scene. Command is advising the patient from over the hillside has been brought up over the hillside and is in paramedic care now. R-21 is on scene.

17:30: Control states the updated ETA for LF-4 is about 5 minutes. The helicopter is entering Pine Township from the south currently.

17:31: LF-4 is over the park currently and is being advised the ground crew is establishing the LZ on the ballfield.

17:33: The pilot reports he is orbiting to land with the LZ in sight.

17:34: C-42 is asking 228 units which side of the park; they’re stating the municipal building side by the volleyball courts. The pilot reports in bound.

17:35: The ambulance is departing the scene for the LZ now.

17:38: C-42 is being advised by the ground crew that LF-4 is on the ground now. Control is asking to confirm only 1 aircraft is needed; Command confirms only 1.

17:42: Fire Police are being instructed to move back from Eagle Road to the intersection where FD units already had it closed.

17:46: Command is stating this is going to be an extended closure for accident reconstruction.

17:51: The ground crew reports LF-4 is airborne with an unknown destination.

17:52: R-21 reports they have been released by Command but their FP remain on scene for traffic at this time. Control is attempting to get the helicopter destination for PD; 76-4 advises AGH.

17:54: Command is stating 228 units have been released from the LZ to return in service.

17:55: E-19 is back in service.

17:57: S-98 is clear of the scene.

18:00: LF-4 is on the helipad at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh.

18:13: 76-3 is reporting clear of the scene with patient refusal.

18:21: Cars are still coming down Warrendale Road from the scene; FP state vehicles are sneaking around. They are going to move up and close another section of roadway.

18:24: C-42 is advising FP units the roadway is clear to be reopened; R-42 is back in service.

18:25: Warrendale Road Command is terminated; all units are back in service.