Structure Fire, Residence Inn

20:13: Station 21 dispatched for a fire alarm at the Residence Inn. Chief 21-2 is responding.

20:19: Chief 21 is on scene with a 4 story hotel and nothing showing from 3 sides of the exterior.

20:20: Engine 21-2 is on scene.

20:22: Chief 21 is stating hotel staff are reporting smoke in the building. Full Station 90 structure fire response is requested.

20:23: Stations 90, 21, and 51 as well as Beaver County Station 26 and Allegheny County Stations 185 and 228 are added to the call.

20:25: Chief 41 is responding.

20:26: Interior units are reporting the second floor is clear, they are proceeding to the 3rd floor now. Command is stating the alarm panel shows an alarm from the AC duct unit on the north guest house.

20:27: Units are going to evacuate guests to their vehicles.

20:29: Chief 21 is asking Fire Police to advise the Sports Grille that guests will need to use their building for evacuation due to weather.

20:30: Interior units advise the 3rd floor is clear and they are proceeding to the 4th floor. FP Lieutenant is advising the Sports Grille has been advised and guests are clear to evacuate there. Hotel staff are to be directed to begin the evacuation.

20:31: Engine 21 is en route.

20:32: Interior units are now stating no smoke on the 4th floor as well.

30:33: Interior units are reporting they’ve located a charred outlet on the 4th floor by the elevator. No sign of fire right now.

20:34: E-21 and Chief 42 are on scene.

20:35: Room-by-room checks are to begin. E-21 crew is to proceed to Division 2 where the original reports of smoke were.

20:36: Each floor has been assigned its own fire chief for operations.

20:37: Engine 42-2 is arriving on scene and is instructed to standby at a hydrant.

20:39: E-42-2 is reporting on scene at the hydrant. Big Knob Engine 26 is responding. Ladder 22 is on scene.

20:40: C-41 is on scene.

20:41: Units are having issues accessing rooms; their keys or key cards are not working.

20:42: Rescue 185 is on scene, staging.

20:44: C-21 is telling FP to go to the Sports Grille to locate hotel staff for a master key.

20:47: All staging units have been directed into the lobby to stay warm.

20:48: Division 3 units are stating some of the mechanical rooms have combination locks and Operations is going to try to get combinations from hotel staff.

20:51: E-26 is being instructed to stage at the Cranberry station for any other calls.

20:54: Keys are being sent up that will bypass the combination locks.

21:02: Division 3 units state they’ve cleared all guest rooms.

21:05: Units are looking for roof or attic access from the interior; they are stating their site plan does not show any.

21:07: Station 185 units are to be released; they are reportedly coming down from Division 4.

21:09: Control is stating they have a call for a flooded basement at Cranberry Pediatrics on Route 19; it is to be sent to the Big Knob units on Cranberry’s station. There is water pouring out of the 2nd floor windows and the lobby is flooding.

21:14: Access to the attic has now been located; an attic ladder is on its way in as well.

21:21: All units are being instructed to return to the lobby.

21:26: Ladder 22 units are telling Chief 22 that they have a resident stating a Harmony unit has their dog and they’re pretty adamant about it. C-22 is going to head over.

21:29: Station 19 units are back in service.

21:34: Station 22 units are now clear of the incident.

21:39: Freedom Road Command is terminated, all remaining units are back in service.