House Fire, 3rd Street

15:41: Stations 1, 38, Ladder 3, and Station 99 dispatched to 563 3rd Street in Butler City; a caller reports their kitchen was on fire and it has spread to the rest of the house.

15:42: Station 3 acknowledges the call with 1 firefighter on station. A unit, originally believed to be Lieutenant 3 but probably “10-03” is reporting smoke in the area.

15:43: 99-8 and Engine 1-2 are en route. Control now states they’re receiving multiple calls reporting smoke and fire showing. Engine 38 is en route.

15:44: Engine 1-2 and Ladder 3 are responding.

15:45: City units are on scene with fire showing from the first floor, requesting activation of the second alarm.

15:47: All city shifts are alerted for the call.

15:48: Engine 3 is responding.

15:50: Rescue 3 is responding.

15:52: E-38 is on location.

15:53: E-38 is to proceed behind the house.

15:54: R-3 is approaching. L-3 is on scene.

15:55: Tower 1 is en route and instructed to come in from the top of the hill.

15:56: 99-8 is advised there is a patient in the back alley with minor burns; they are proceeding there.

15:58: E-1-2 is asking 99-8 if they will have a second unit available.

15:59: E-38 states Division 1 floor is compromised. 99-3 is now assigned to the call.

16:00: E-3 is on location. 99-3 is asking if they have a patient or if they are responding for standby; they are advised they have a patient.

16:03: Command is advised there is heavy, dark smoke from the eaves and windows of Division 3.

16:06: Units are ordered to evacuate Division 3.

16:07: E-38 crew is reporting to Command they are completely out. Control is reporting they received 2 man-down alarms, a 38 unit and Lieutenant 3.

16:09: Command is advised a floor has collapsed. Control is asking Command if they copied the man-down alarms, they just received another from the VA unit. Command states they are good.

16:15: Command is asking for Control to notify the electricity and gas providers.

16:18: Someone is asking for a window to be popped.

16:19: A unit is advising Command they’re at 80% water and requesting a supply line.

16:22: Command is advised there is fire from the roof on the Charlie side.

16:24: 99-8 is possibly transporting a patient; their traffic was walked on.

16:25: Control states West Penn Power was advised and gave a 1-2 hour ETA but will attempt a remote disconnect, and People’s did not give an ETA.

16:26: Sky4 from WTAE appears to be approaching the scene from the south. R-3 is advising the hydrant crew to send water.

Sky4 approaching over Butler Township

16:31: R-3 reports they’ve got water.

16:39: E-1 instructed to increase their pressure but they are stating they are unable to do so.

16:43: Command is being advised there is still heavy fire on Division 3 from the Charlie side.

16:47: L-3 is advised Command is working on getting some vehicles out of the way.

16:57: E-1 is being told to charge a line. C-1 is asking Control to notify the Red Cross for assistance to the resident.

16:59: Division 3 interior units are requesting a second line to Division 2.

17:02: Command is asking Div-3 units if they can get to the Alpha side, they state they’re working on it.

17:08: C-1 is asking Div-3 if they’re able to open part of the ceiling.

17:10: Control is advising that the Red Cross has been notified and will be in touch with C-1.

17:20: Command is attempting to reach an ambulance on the scene, no reply.

17:21: Command is still unable to reach the ambulance.

17:22: Control is advising 99-3 they have a firefighter with chest pain; they are responding to the front of the structure.

17:26: Sky4 has landed at the Butler Airport, possibly to refuel.

17:38: C-1 is advising crews there is smoke pushing out of side Alpha at the peak of the roof.

17:39: Div-2 reporting heavy smoke pushing up from Div-1.

17:40: 99-3 is telling Command they are transporting the firefighter and asking if another unit is needed for standby; Command states affirmative and 99-3 will notify their dispatcher.

17:41: 99-3 is now reporting en route to BMH, BLS.

17:44: Charlie side exterior is advising Div-3 they have fire at the dormer on the Delta side. Div-3 is stating they only have 2 firefighters and is asking Operations for more personnel.

18:01: Sky4 is airborne from Butler Airport, leaving the area to the south.

19:00: Captain 1 has released Butler Ambulance units from standby.

19:18: An unidentified unit is possibly stating the power has been shut-off.

19:20: E-1-2 is asking if the hydrant has been shut off and is told it has not been.

19:21: E-1-2 is stating they need water. C-3 is reporting Station 3 units are clearing the scene, in service.

19:26: BT-3 is now stating Station 3 units have been released by Command.

19:56: City units are clear of the scene.