MVA, Route 28 SB on the Buffalo Bridge

05:28: Stations 27 and 36, along with Freeport EMS Station 70, dispatched for an MVA on Route 28 southbound, on the Buffalo Bridge.

05:32: Second alert for Stations 27 and 36 due to no acknowledgment. Lieutenant 27 now states he is en route to his station and Chief 27 is responding to the scene.

05:33: Station 36 acknowledges the call.

05:34: Freeport Medic 70-4 is responding.

05:35: Station 27 acknowledges the call.

05:36: Rescue 36 is en route. 70-4 is requesting any update on number of injuries; they’re stating they know Armstrong has units responding to multiple wrecks. Butler Control does not have any updates.

05:39: Armstrong Engine 70-1 and Butler Engine 27 are en route. Chief 27 is on scene.

05:40: C-27 is advising Captain 70 of 1 injured person. They state they are crossing “the bridge heading up out of town now.”

05:41: Fire Police are instructed to pull into the turnaround and stage there. Medic 70 is on scene stating there are 2 vehicles in the southbound lane.

05:43: Armstrong 240 (West Kittanning) acknowledges the call. R-36 is to come across the bridge from the turnaround and slow traffic. Brush 27 reported en route but is instructed to remain on station. E-27 is to stage before the bridge on the northbound side and slow traffic.

05:44: E-70-1 is reporting they are 30 seconds out, requesting orders.

05:45: E-27 reports they are about to get on Route 28 North; they are instructed to slow traffic before the bridge. E-70-1 is instructed to stage before the bridge.

05:46: Armstrong Engine 220 (South Buffalo) is requesting orders but is now released by Command.

05:47: E-70-1 is now on scene.

05:48: Armstrong County is asking E-220 what they want to do with Stations 240 and Allegheny 169 (Harrison Hills); E-220 states both can go back in service.

05:50: Captain 70 is advising Command he and Chief 70-2 had two cars spin out and the road is extremely icy; he is asking if the road is open at this time. The reply is that the bridge is open in both directions.

05:51: Command is asking Butler Control if PennDOT has been notified of the road conditions yet; Control is asking if it is in Butler or Armstrong County and the reply is “a little bit of both, it’s on the bridge.” Armstrong County states PennDOT has been notified, and they were notified well prior to the crash because they had other calls on it as well. PennDOT did not give an ETA.

05:53: Chief 70-2 is advising Command it is very icy near their Fire Police, a car just almost spun out and took out the FP unit. He is stating he would really consider shutting down the bridge until PennDOT comes. Command states they’ll have units close it at Slate Lick and 356. C-70-2 is asking if Command wants him to send 220 units to Slate Lick to close it. Chief 220 states he spoke to PSP and E-220 is going to flip around and close it at their exit, Route 128 / Freeport Road.

05:54: E-27 is now instructed to shut down Route 28.

06:01: 70-4 is transporting a patient to Kittanning Hospital.

06:02: E-220 is asking C-220 if he wants them to shut it down before the exit; they’re instructed to go across the on-ramp and stop traffic.

06:03: E-220 is advising their other units they are going to start pushing traffic to the left side at their position and slow them down. 220-Attack is staged at the on-ramp on Route 128.

06:06: E-70-1 is being asked by R-36 to move down closer to the bridge and set up as a deflector for those units. E-220 is being instructed by C-220 to close it fully until they get word from PSP. C-220 is asking C-70-2 if they have 28 shut down on their end yet; the reply is they are working on it.

06:07: E-220 is being told to move so that people wanting to get onto Freeport Road can get off Route 28.

06:08: E-220 is asking 220-Attack if they are staged before the exit; they’re being told to shut traffic down before the exit and they’re going to get the engine up on the other side as well. 220-Attack states the engine can come right up the southbound lanes, they have it closed and just need more lighting.

06:08: Chief 70 is asking Command if they have anyone coming up to the 356 exit, Exit 17 – he’s on his way to work and there’s no one there right now. Command states they have it shut down on 28 north right at the 17. C-70 states people are getting off then going right back onto the on-ramp.

06:14: 220-Attack is going to position on the on-ramp and E-220 is going to stay across Route 28.

06:18: R-36 is asking 220 units if they have it shut down yet, they still have multiple vehicles coming down; the reply is that they have it shut down now.

06:30: 70-4 is reporting their transport is complete.

06:31: E-27 crew is advised that traffic is going to be allowed through slowly now, behind a PennDOT truck.

06:38: Station 220 units are being advised they are to continue to hold traffic until there is word from Chief 27.

06:43: C-27 is now advising C-220 that the roadway can be reopened now.

06:44: Route 28 Command is terminated; all 27, 36, 70 and 220 units are back in service.