MVA, Entrapment, Perry Highway

17:02: Stations 22, 24, and 62, along with Lawrence County Station 2200, alerted for an MVA with entrapment, near 265 Perry Highway in Jackson Township. There is reportedly a male there with altered level of consciousness.

17:03: Chief 22 is responding. Chef 21 is asking if C-22 wants one of his engines and the response is affirmative. Engine 42-2 states they are 9 minutes out if C-22 wants them to start; C-22 states they should have sufficient resources already assigned to the call.

17:04: Tanker 22 and 62-4 are responding. 62-1 is en route for QRS. Engine 21-2 is now responding as well.

17:05: Station 24 acknowledges. Engine and Rescue 22 are responding.

17:06: Control is now advising responding units that PD on scene have confirmed entrapment. C-22 is asking if there is a single patient or other update; Control states PD advised 1 male injured in a T-bone style collision. 62-4 is on scene.

17:09: Rescue 24 is en route. E-22 and R-22 are on scene.

17:10: C-22 is on scene with 1 SUV off the roadway, initially stating 1 passenger appears to be entrapped but then updating that they have access to the patient, there is no longer entrapment. All units are to cancel other than Station 22.

17:11: Station 21 units are back in service from this call. T-22 is to approach from Route 19 and stage behind R-22.

17:13: T-22 is on scene.

17:31: 62-2 is now on scene also.

17:33: 62-4 is transporting a patient to Allegheny General Hospital.

17:35: T-22 is back in service.

17:43: 62-2 is stating they are clear and in service, patient refusal against medical advice.

17:46: C-22 reports all units are clear from Route 19.

17:56: 62-4 is out at AGH.