MVA, Fire, Entrapment, Fairground Hill

13:18: Stations 3, 1 and 99 alerted for an MVA with a vehicle on fire and a reported gas leak on Fairground Hill Road. The call taker is still obtaining information but it is reported the individual is still in the vehicle and they did hit a gas line. Ladder 3 acknowledges the call.

13:19: BT-3 and Engines 1 and 1-2 are responding. 99-12 is assigned. Chief 3 is en route.

13:20: 99-12 is en route. BT-3 is on scene, the only update is “working fire.” Control advises they are on the phone with People’s Gas at this time.

13:21: City units are on scene. Ladder 3 is responding. 99-12 is being told to expedite.

13:22: Control is asking if 99-12 wants them to check the availability of LifeFlight 4 at their base and the reply is to place them on standby at this time.

13:23: E-1-2 is advising the ambulance the patient is breathing at this time but remains unresponsive.

13:24: 99-12 is reporting on scene. BT-3 is asking Control which EMS unit is responding and is advised 99-12 is pulling on scene now; he is instructing 99-12 to proceed up, the male patient was still in the vehicle, he is now awake and agitated.

13:25: Chief 3 is on scene.

13:26: BT-3 is reiterating the request for an air medical unit to be placed on standby and is advised that LifeFlight 4 is standing by at the Butler Airport. Ladder 3 is approaching from Whitestown and is instructed to proceed up to the scene and not block the roadway.

13:27: BT-3 is now requesting LF-4 be put in the air to the BMH helipad.

13:29: Command is asking Control to notify People’s Gas that they have a 3″ main line out of the ground, leaking.

13:31: 99-12 is transporting the patient to the helipad, ALS emergency.

13:33: Command is reporting the crew from People’s Gas has arrived.

13:36: 99-12 is out at the helipad and requests an ETA for LF-4 from Control; they are checking.

13:37: Control is now advising approximately 8 minutes for the helicopter.

13:42: LF-4 is now airborne from the Butler Airport.

13:45: 99-12 is asking Control to relay to LF-4 a request to bring their RSI to the truck.

13:47: E-1 is asking Control to notify the water authority that the Fairground Hill hydrant used for fill is leaking pretty badly.

13:48: The helicopter appears to be on the helipad at Butler Memorial Hospital.

13:53: Chief 3 is asking BT-3 if he will be on his way back to the scene soon; he states they have not transferred care to LifeFlight yet.

13:56: Command terminated; all units are back in service.

14:09: 99-12 is reporting patient care has been transferred to the flight crew, destination of West Penn Hospital.

14:13: LF-4 is airborne from Butler Hospital, en route to Pittsburgh.

14:29: LifeFlight 4 is on the helipad at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh.