Child Struck by Vehicle, Rt 228

17:31: Stations 42, 19 and 76 alerted for a child struck by a vehicle, 489 Route 228 in Adams Township, near the new Sheetz.

17:32: Station 19 acknowledges. Rescue 42 is responding.

17:33: Engine 19 and Squad 76 are en route.

17:34: 76-3 is now also en route. S-76 is on scene reporting 2 vehicles present and a child on the ground. They are investigating.

17:35: R-42 is reporting on scene and asking S-76 where to position; they are told to control traffic, there is a critical patient.

17:37: Station 19 units are being canceled by Command; they have sufficient resources on scene.

17:38: Chief 42 states he missed the updates from on-scene units and is asking Control to advise; they are reporting they’ve only heard that there is a critical patient there and Station 19 was canceled.

17:39: R-42 is advising C-42 the patient is being loaded soon and they will be clearing out shortly. C-42 asks if law enforcement is on scene yet and is advised they are.

17:40: 76-3 is transporting to Children’s Hospital.

18:19: Chief 42 is attempting to contact Control repeatedly on Fire South but not getting a response.

18:21: Chief 42 is now requesting his station be re-alerted and Cranberry Fire Police be sent out; Route 228 will be closed for PSP accident investigation/reconstruction.

18:24: Station 21 acknowledges the call.

18:27: Fire Police 21 is en route with 3 personnel.

18:28: FP Captain 42 is requesting orders and is instructed to speak to Command face-to-face when he arrives.

18:30: Engine 42-2 is responding.

18:32: FP-21 and FP-21-3 are both en route individually.

18:35: E-42-2 is on scene.

18:39: FP-21-2 is approaching and is instructed to stop at Three Degree Road and assist PD with traffic. Second unit is to proceed south on Three Degree to the opposite side of 228 to assist there.

18:41: Command is instructing the 3rd FP unit to proceed to the Three Degree Road intersection and possibly relieve the PD unit there.

19:30: No further updates from this incident have been heard on the scanner.

20:10: Chief 21 attempted to reach his Fire Police but there was no response on the scanner. There still have not been any other updates from this incident.

20:31: 76-2 is en route to a medical call and is asking Chief 42 what the best way through Mars is; they are being told south on Three Degree Road. 76-2 is now being advised traffic is shut down for them.

21:25: Chief 42 is reporting the incident terminated; all Station 21 and 42 units are back in service. Route 228 is reopened.