MVA, I-79 NB @ 84.4 MM

12:47: Stations 22 and 62 alerted for a second crash on I-79 at the 84.4 mile marker northbound. There are 2 vehicles involving a tractor-trailer.

12:48: There is a unit possibly stating they are off the roadway and stuck (probably 62-2 or 62-3); their transmission was walked on at the beginning and end. Station 51 is alerted by request of 62. Squad 98 advises they are en route to this scene.

12:49: R-21 is asking Control to notify PennDOT the roadway at Route 19 and 528 is a solid sheet of ice. Control states they’ll do it if they get a chance. Squad 22-2 is en route.

12:51: 62-6 is en route.

12:52: Road conditions prevented the 62-2(?) from turning onto 528, they are rerouting. Rescue 42 is clearing the pileup at Route 228 and Route 8, en route to this scene. They are being advised by Cranberry units the crash is at the 84.2 MM northbound; there are two tractor-trailers, multiple vehicles and multiple people outside the vehicles.

A Harmony ambulance was unable to get to the first I-79 crash due to road conditions.
Rescue 42 is clear of their previous MVA call and is responding to this incident.

12:54: Rescue 22 is on scene of the southbound crash. They are asking Engine 22 to take this crash; traffic is moving very slow now. E-22 states they will be en route momentarily.

12:55: A unit is advising R-22 there is a tractor-trailer in the median, a tractor-trailer in the northbound lane, and multiple cars are involved.

12:56: Control has been attempting to reach a Harmony EMS unit; 62-3 answers and Control is asking if there is a 62 unit en route to the this crash as they currently only have Squad 98 responding there.

12:57: Control is now asking S-98 to advise when they get on scene if a medic unit will be needed at this scene; he states he is just coming up on 528 and traffic is starting to backup there.

12:58: R-21 is reporting they are out with an MVA involving several vehicles, off the roadway, at the bottom of the on-ramp from 528. They will be checking for injuries.

12:59: A 62 unit is advising 51-2 they can cancel their response.

13:01: R-21 is reporting there are 6 vehicles involved on the on-ramp with no injuries. Control is asking if they are back in service; they state they will proceed to the turnaround and then the crash at the 84 MM NB.

13:02: Squad 98 is on scene.

13:04: R-42 is being advised to use extreme caution entering Cranberry Township; the roads are getting snow-covered quickly. R-42 states the message and received and they are experiencing it. 62-2 is now on scene at this incident. Squad 98 is advising they have 2 semis, 4 vehicles involved, no injuries in any of the vehicles.

13:06: R-42 is approaching this scene, asking S-98 for orders; S-98 states no need for the Rescue there, no entrapment. There is a unit stating it was very slow-going coming across 228 with total whiteout conditions. R-22 is now asking Squad 98 if additional assistance is needed at the northbound crash; Control states S-98 has reported no injuries and is requesting traffic be diverted off I-79 onto 528.

13:07: R-42 is going to divert traffic but is attempting to verify if traffic is to be diverted off the northbound lanes but if there is a response, it was cutoff.

13:08: 62-6 reports they are back in service, canceled by 62-3. Fire Police 21-2 is reporting on scene at this incident; R-21 is asking if FP can ascertain if R-21 is needed at the scene at the 84 NB or if they are to close the interstate at 528. FP-21 states he will advise when he gets closer, but there is one lane open at this time.

13:09: E-22 is on scene with 2 separate MVAs on the end of the ramp at the 83 MM. R-21 is advising E-22 they already assessed for injuries on the ramp; R-21 is asking FP if they are needed at this scene; FP will assess; they have 1 lane open at this time.

13:10: 62-2 is reporting clear, not needed; there were no injuries at this scene. R-21 states they are standing by at the northbound off-ramp to 528 awaiting further instructions.

13:11: R-21 is being advised by another unit they believe the 22 units wanted traffic diverted onto 528 from the NB lanes. R-42 confirms this and states they are coming up behind R-21 at the 81 MM currently. R-21 states she was attempting to confirm the orders.

13:12: Squad 42 is right behind R-21 and they are both going to continue to stage awaiting further instructions.

13:13: FP are asking R-21 for clarification if the north or southbound lanes are to be closed; R-21 replies that they are still awaiting further instructions, she believes S-98 suggested closing the northbound lanes but they have no additional confirmation that is what they are to do.

13:14: FP advise R-21 that 1 lane of NB traffic should be able to remain open until the tows arrive. R-21 is asking if there any other fire units with him and he replies negative, if R-21 can make it up there, it would be appreciated.

13:15: R-42 is getting out at the 83 MM and asking if they are still to close the road. R-21 is advising them to stage there at the off-ramp awaiting further information, one lane is moving.

13:20: FP are advising R-21 to pull into the scene in front of their vehicle in Lane #1 or behind the Sheriff’s vehicle. R-21 is now reporting on scene. Lieutenant 21-3 has I-79 north command.

13:23: R-42 is asking R-21 if they are needed to continue staging as there are worsening road conditions in their own area due to the squall. They are released to return to their area.

13:26: Control is advising I-79N Command that they took a call from a male stating he was at the 84.4 mile marker I-79 NB and his vehicle is now on fire, no one has made contact with him. R-21 is at 84.2 with a tractor-trailer, another unit is proceeding to the 84.4.

13:27: Squad 98 states he just passed the 84.4 and didn’t see anything.

13:28: S-98 states he saw no vehicles on either side of the road, he is all the way to the 68 exit. R-21 repeated the vehicle description and S-98 reports he absolutely did not see that vehicle.

13:31: Caller is now apparently saying he is at the 83.4 MM.

13:32: Multiple units are still searching for the reported vehicle fire.

13:33: A 22 unit is asking R-42 to turn around and go to the on-ramp wrecks to see if the fire is at one of those scenes.

13:59: R-21 is reporting clear, both lanes of I-79 northbound are reopened.