Overturned Truck, 422 EB near Moraine

11:33: Station 24 is activated by request of PSP for traffic control for an overturned truck on New Castle Road.

11:36: Rescue 24 is en route.

11:37: Control advises this is in the eastbound lane, right on the bridge.

11:43: R-24 is on scene.

11:45: Engine 24 is responding.

11:47: Brush 24 is en route.

11:48: B-24 is advised to standby at this time.

11:52: E-24 is back in service.

11:53: R-24 states they are remaining on scene but all other Station 24 units are back in service.

12:17: R-24 reports they are now clear of Route 422 and will be standing by in Station 13.