MVA, Poss Entrapment 228 @ Rt 8

11:27: An MVA with possible entrapment was called into control by Squad 42 who was passing by; they are requesting the appropriate response be activated.

11:28: Stations 16, 42 and 76 are activated for an MVA with unknown injuries.

11:29: 76-2 en route. Command on scene now advising at least 4 injuries.

11:30: An additional 76 unit is en route. Squad 42 on scene is requesting 1 unit from Saxonburg. Station 45 is alerted for the call.

11:31: Command is now advising there are 6 vehicles involved with at least 4 injuries but there is NEGATIVE ENTRAPMENT.

11:32: Squad 76 is on scene. 45-1 is en route.

11:34: Chief 16 is on scene. Control states Allegheny 241 is also notified.

11:35: 76-2 is on scene. Squad 76 is reportedly evaluating a possible broken ankle. Chief 16 is requesting Fire Police from Station 15.

11:36: Station 15 is alerted. Rescue 42 is on scene.

11:37: Chief 16 is assuming command of the incident.

11:39: Chief 76-2 is stating 2 patients for transport. 4 patients for evaluation.

11:40: Chief 15-2 is en route to his station; Control has not gotten acknowledgment from the station yet.

11:45: 45-1 is approaching.

11:46: 45-1 is now reporting on scene. Squads 15 and 15-2 are responding.

11:47: 241 units are possibly on scene, their message was walked on.

11:57: Squad 15 is requesting orders; Command is telling them to stage and turn traffic around the other way. It is unclear exactly where they are closing the road.

11:58: 45-1 is now transporting 1 patient to BMH, BLS..

12:01: 76-2 is transporting 1 patient to AGH.

12:18: 45-1 is out at BMH.

12:23: Squad 76 is back in service.

12:34: 76-2 is out at Allegheny General Hospital.

12:52: R-42 is clearing this scene asking if they are needed on the interstate and they are instructed to proceed to the northbound incident.

13:07: Incident terminated; all units are back in service.