16:24: Stations 20, 19, 11, 12 and 99 alerted for multiple calls reporting a garage and shed on fire at 539 Brownsdale Road, Forward Township, reportedly close to a house.
16:25: Chief 11 is en route. Station 11 acknowledges. 99-4 is assigned and en route.
16:26: Chiefs 20-2 and 20 are responding.
16:27: Captain 12 acknowledges the call. Tanker 19 is responding.
16:28: Station 20 acknowledges the call.
16:29: Engine 11 is responding.
16:30: Tanker 19 is advising they are still tied up on a previous incident at this time. Units are now being advised by Control that Penn Township PD are on scene with a working fire.
16:31: Tanker 20 is responding.
16:32: Brush 19 has been released from their previous incident and is en route to this one.
16:34: Chief 20-2 is on scene with a 1 story residential structure confirming active fire.
16:35: Engine 11 is being advised Command needs their manpower and a 1¾” line.
16:36: Chief 20 is on scene assuming command.
16:38: 99-4 is on scene. Tanker 11 is approaching and is being told they will be the primary water supply. T-11 now reporting on scene.
16:42: Tanker 12 and Engine 19 are responding.
16:50: Engine 19 and Tanker 12 are on scene.
16:54: Tanker 19 is clear of their previous incident, possibly responding to this one.
16:55: Chief 20 is now advising T-19 there are sufficient resources on scene and they can standby in the area at this time.
17:26: Engine and Tanker 12 are back in service.
17:19: 99-4 has been released by Command.
17:30: Command terminated. Units are responding from here to a brush fire at 166 Ramsey Road.