Tractor Trailer Fire, Turnpike, 28.4 MM

10:33: Stations 21 and 51 alerted for a tractor trailer with its front brakes on fire near the 28.4 mile marker of I-76 on the eastbound on-ramp. Control states there have been several 9-1-1 calls. 51-2 is en route. Station 21 acknowledges the call.

10:35: Control reports the vehicle is visible on traffic cameras and PSP has a working fire. The truck is reportedly hauling food products and the cab is almost fully engulfed.

10:36: Chief 21 is requesting Allegheny Station 185 and Station 42 be added to the call; Station 42 is alerted.

10:38: Engines 21-2 and 42 are en route.

10:41: 51-2 is on scene.

10:42: Allegheny Station 185 states they will have a crew of 5 en route shortly and they are checking that it is the eastbound on-ramp from Cranberry and Control confirms.

10:43: Engine 21-2 is on scene with command.

10:44: Chief 41 is responding.

10:45: Chief 41 is requesting Tanker 19; Station 19 is alerted.

10:46: Chief 19-2 acknowledges the call.

10:47: Tanker 19 is en route.

10:49: E-42-2 is on scene.

10:53: Chief 41 is on scene assuming command and reports they have 2 lines in operation, working on extinguishment; the fire has been contained to the cab and has not reached the cargo.

10:59: Tanker 19 is instructed to feed Engines 21-2 and 42-2 with water; T-19 states they are crossing over I-79 right now.

11:00: T-19 is asking the location; Chief 41 states it is the ramp toward Harrisburg.

11:18: 51-2 is asking Chief 41 if they can be released and he states they can return in service.

11:32: Duty Chief 42 is reporting all Station 42 units are clear of the turnpike.

11:36: Chief 41 states all units are clear of the turnpike; incident terminated.