MVA, Rt 38 @ Glenwood Way

06:16: Stations 14 and 99 dispatched for an MVA with unknown injuries on Oneida Valley Road at Glenwood Way. Possibly 2 or 3 vehicles involved.

06:17: 99-3 is assigned.

06:18: 99-3 is responding from Base 1. Control is now stating a second caller is reporting possibly 3 injuries, and a driver is still in a vehicle. Chief 14-2 acknowledges the call and is requesting Station 35 be added to the call. 99-3 is checking what the next available medical service will be.

06:19: Station 35 is alerted for the call. Chief 14 is en route directly to the scene. Control is advising 99-3 that 44 and 52 are the next due services; 44 just called en route to the hospital awhile ago and is reporting inbound to BMH now.

06:20: 99-3 is asking for Station 44 to be alerted for assistance as soon as they clear the hospital and for Station 52 to start a unit.

06:21: Control is asking 44-1 if they can respond to this incident when they clear from the hospital; they state they will, they’re going up Brady Street to the hospital. Chief 14 is on scene with Command; there are 2 vehicles with entrapment but he trailed off.

06:22: 99-3 is approaching, saying they’re coming across 38 now.

06:23: Lieutenant 35-2 is en route to his station. Command is now asking Control to cancel all ambulances except 99-3. Rescue 14 is responding. Command is asking them to approach via Pine Tract Road and drop off personnel to close Route 38, but they do not have sufficient manpower.

06:24: Chief 35 is en route to the scene. R-14 is asking Command if they’re not able to approach from Glenwood Way; he states they can, they just need Route 38 closed.

06:25: Chief 35 is asking Chief 14 if he wants the road closed at Pine Tract and C-14 does; C-35 is going to do that.

06:26: Station 35 is acknowledging the call with 1 firefighter on station.

06:28: Chief 35 is advising C-14 he has Route 38 closed at Pine Tract Road.

06:30: R-14 is approaching from Holyoke Road and is instructed to pull in behind the state trooper vehicle and standby until they get the ambulance out.

06:31: Rescue 35 is en route. R-14 is being instructed to stop at the Glenwood Way intersection and drop a road closed sign. They’re asking if this is north or south of Glenwood Way, Command states just north. They do not have any signs with them but will drop flares and cones instead.

06:32: R-14 is on scene; R-35 is approaching, requesting orders.

06:33: R-35 is now reporting on scene.

06:34: R-35 is being advised they can stay at Glenwood to keep the road closed.

06:36: Brush 35 is en route.

06:37: Utility 14 is responding.

06:38: 99-3 is transporting, BLS, to BMH.

06:45: Brush 35 is on scene.

06:46: 99-3 is out at the hospital.

06:59: 99-3 is back in service.

07:10: Rescue 35 is advising Chief 14 they set their road closed signs up at Glenwood Way and they are going back in service.

07:11: Chief 14 is asking Chief 35 if a crew from the township has arrived yet but they have not; C-14 states once they arrive, Station 35 units can clear.

08:04: Chief 35 is now reporting all Station 35 units are clear of this incident.

09:21: Oneida Valley Road Command is now terminated; all Station 14 units are back in service.