Juvenile, Broken Femur, Moniteau HS

20:02: Squad 31, on standby at Moniteau High School for a sporting event, is calling Control to ask that Station 52 be dispatched, non-emergency, to his location and he will advise further shortly. Control is asking the nature of the call but there is no response.

20:03: Station 52 is activated for an unknown medical situation. S-31 is now asking Control to check the availability of air medical and place them on standby at this time. Control is again emphasizing the need for the nature of the call or details on the injury; S-31 states it is a male juvenile with a possible broken femur.

20:04: 52-2 is advising S-31 they are almost to Grove City Hospital with a patient and will clear shortly; they state it is up to him if he wants the next due service. Chief 33 is now acknowledging the call for Station 52 and states a truck will be en route momentarily.

20:05: Station 25 is trying for a second time to reach S-31; this time S-31 instructs them to go ahead and start his way. 52-2 is now out at the hospital.

20:06: 52-1 is now en route.

20:07: Rescue 25 is advising Control to add them to the call and they are en route. Captain 25 is also en route to the high school. The landing zone will be the practice field.

20:08: Control states the responding aircraft will be Stat MedEvac 16 and they gave a 16 minute ETA.

20:14: R-25 is on scene to establish the landing zone.

20:18: S-31 checked for an ETA for the ambulance from Control and Control advises they have been en route for 9 minutes so possibly about 7 more minutes; 52-1 is now reporting they are about 5-6 minutes out. S-31 states he has the patient loaded in his suburban and they are just waiting on the helicopter; 52-1 can continue in non-emergency.

20:24: Stat 6 is requesting the LZ brief.

20:25: The pilot states they are about 2 minutes out.

20:30: The helicopter is reported on the ground.

20:47: Stat is reported airborne to Children’s Hospital.

20:48: Squad 31 is clear of the LZ and back on standby.