Motorcycle Wreck, Jo Deener Drive

19:33: Stations 22, 20 and 62 dispatched for a motorcycle wreck near 213 Jo Deener Drive in Jackson Township. Male unconscious with a head injury.

Harmony Fire and EMS along with Evans City FD dispatched for a motorcycle crash.

19:34: Squad 98 is also added to the call by request of Station 51.

19:35: Chief 22 is responding; Station 22 acknowledges the call.

19:36: Control is advising this will be about a quarter mile off Ridge Road. C-22 is asking if the caller is still on the line and asking if there will be access issues. Control states negative; he’s on the road.

19:37: Chief 20 en route to the scene.

19:39: Rescue 20 is responding. 62-3 is on scene.

19:40: Engine 22-3 is en route. 62-3 is asking Control to get a helicopter.

19:41: 62-3 is asking for the nearest aircraft again; Control states they are currently on the line with both air services.

19:42: Chief 22 is on scene. Control is checking the location for the LZ. Engine 22-3 is instructed to setup the LZ at the park-and-ride.

19:43: Squad 98 is on scene.

19:44: Rescue 20 is on scene.

19:45: Control is now advising Stat 3 is the responding air medical unit with an 8 minute ETA to the park-and-ride.

19:46: Engine 22-3 is on scene to setup the landing zone.

19:52: Stat 3 is departing their base at UPMC Cranberry now.

19:54: 62-3 is en route to the landing zone. Stat 3 is calling for their LZ brief.

19:58: Stat appears to be on the ground at the LZ now, but has not been reported yet. 62-3 is stating they are out at the LZ.

20:24: All Station 20 units are clear and in service. Stat 3 has not yet departed the landing zone.

20:30: Stat 3 remains at the Route 528 park-and-ride.

20:40: The aircraft has yet to take off again at this time. There have been no other updates for this incident.

20:53: The LZ crew is reporting the helicopter is taking off en route to Presby and all Station 22 units are clear of the scene. Stat 3 is airborne at this time.

21:07: Squad 98 is now reporting back in service.

21:08: Stat 3 is arriving at the helipad at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh and 62-3 is now reporting clear of the incident as well.