Poss Trash Can Fire, Heritage Creek Dr

14:25: Stations 42, 90 and 76, along with Allegheny Stations 225 and 128, dispatched to 104 Heritage Creek Drive. Caller reports a trash can was on fire next to the residence; they are now requesting FD check for extension, no sign of fire. Engine 19 is responding.

14:26: Chiefs 21 and 21-2 are en route.

14:29: Chief 42-2 is on scene and states the fire appears to be out; Station 42 can proceed non-emergency and all other units are canceled.

14:32: Engine 42-2 is on scene and Engine 42-3 is responding.

14:37: Engine 42-3 is on scene.

14:43: Chief 42-2 is reporting all Station 42 units back in service.