MVA I-79 @ 96.2 MM in Median

05:41: Stations 24, 13 and 64 alerted for a vehicle in the median of I-79 near the 96.2 mile marker.

05:43: Chief 13 acknowledges the call.

05:44: Second alert for Station 24.

05:45: Station 24 acknowledges the call. 64-2 is en route.

05:48: Engines 13 and 24 are responding.

05:49: 64-2 is rechecking the reported location.

05:50: Control is confirming 96.2 in the median; 64-2 states they can see where a vehicle went off but it isn’t there anymore; they’re going to proceed to the 99 MM and turn around. Rescue 24 states they’re going to proceed southbound and turn around.

05:52: Engine 24 is asking Engine 13 which way they’re coming in; Engine 13 states they are coming up 488 right now; Engine 24 is advising them to standby at the ramp when they get in the area.

05:57: E-24 is advising Control there are tire tracks into and out of the median; all units are back in service.