Vehicle vs Pedestrian, Rt 68 @ S. Duffy

17:11: Stations 3, 38, and 99 alerted for a car vs pedestrian on Evans City Road at South Duffy Road.

Fire and EMS dispatched to Route 68 @ S. Duffy for a pedestrian accident.

17:12: 99-3 is responding, checking availability of air medical. Engine 38 is en route.

17:13: Engine 3 en route.

17:14: Control is now advising 99-3 that PD are on scene reporting a female patient down; they are recommending a helicopter. 99-3 is asking for the aircraft to be launched to the VA campus.

Police have recommended air evacuation.

17:15: Engine 38 is on scene.

17:16: Engine 3 is on scene.

17:17: Control is advising EMS Stat 16 is airborne with a 14 minute ETA to the VA campus. 99-3 is reporting on scene.

17:19: 99-4 is reporting on scene now as well.

17:25: Stat MedEvac is just now airborne from ACMH Kittanning.

17:27: 99-3 is transporting to the landing zone.

17:29: Stat is passing the Armstrong – Butler County Line near Mushroom Farm Road.

17:30: 99-3 is out at the LZ. South Duffy Command is now terminated and fire units are back in service.

17:34: The helicopter is crossing into the City of Butler from the East, requesting the LZ brief.

Landing Zone briefing for the helicopter.

17:35: The LZ crew has visual contact on the aircraft.

17:37: Stat MedEvac is reported on the ground at the New Castle Road VA complex.

17:49: 99-3 is reporting care has been transferred to Stat 16 and they will be en route to UPMC Presbyterian shortly.

17:51: Stat 16 is airborne from the VA complex.

17:53: 99-3 is clear of the LZ. Station 38 units are back in service.