Motorcycle MVA, Robinhood Drive

08:56: Stations 21 and 51, and Squad 98, alerted for a motorcycle wreck at 103 Robinhood Drive; car vs motorcycle, 1 male with a head injury reported conscious and breathing.

08:57: 51-2 is en route. Rescue 21 and Chief 21 are en route.

08:58: Squad 98 is en route.

08:59: Chief 21-2 is en route. Chief 21 is on scene with Command. Motorcycle is off on the side of the road.

09:00: Chief 21-2 is on scene.

09:01: Squad 98 is on scene.

09:02: R-21 is on scene. 51-2 is requesting a patient update from Command.

09:03: Command is advising there is 1 male patient with a head injury; he was wearing a helmet.

09:08: Robinhood Drive Command is now reporting all Station 21 units are back in service.

09:15: 51-2 is back in service with a patient refusal.

09:16: Squad 98 is now back in service as well.