Vehicle Fire, Inside Garage, Saxonburg Rd

16:11: Stations 15, 10, and 45 alerted for a vehicle on fire inside a garage at 632 Saxonburg Road.

16:12: Station 10 acknowledges the call.

16:13: Station 15 acknowledges the call.

16:15: 45-1 reports they are en route to this call with an extended ETA and if Command needs a transport unit, Control will need to go to backup.

16:16: A fire chief is reporting heavy smoke from his house on Bullcreek Road.

16:18: Engine 10 is en route.

16:19: Control reports another call is now advising the structure is fully involved. Engine 15 is en route, now requesting the second alarm activated.

16:20: A fire chief is on scene; his transmission was walked on by Stations 9, 27 and 3 being activated. Captain 3 acknowledges the call.

16:21: 45-2 is also confirming heavy smoke in the area. Lieutenant 27 and Chief 27 are en route to their station.

16:22: Lieutenant 9 is en route to his station.

16:23: Station 42 states they have a crew on station if needed; Command is advising them to standby at this time. Engine 10 is on scene.

16:24: Station 27 acknowledges the call. Engine 15 is approaching, requesting orders.

16:25: E-15 is to connect to a hydrant and send their manpower to E-10. Station 9 requests a re-trip for more manpower. Rescue 3-2 is en route. Tanker 10 is approaching. Command states if a hydrant isn’t active, their water will be needed first.

16:26: Squad 15 is approaching. Command states all units are to stage on the road and send their manpower to E-10. Engine 15 is on scene. Station 27 is requested to send their engine first.

16:28: Engine 27 is en route.

16:29: Rescue 3 is approaching.

16:30: Tanker 27 and Ladder 3 are en route.

16:31: Engine 9 is en route. Rescue 3 is reporting on scene. E-15-2 is instructed to charge the hydrant now.

16:34: Ladder 3 is being canceled by Command. A unit, possibly Engine 10, states they do not have an adapter for the fire hydrant.

16:36: Engine 10 is being told more pressure is needed, they are stating they have to relay because they can’t access the hydrant.

16:38: E-10 states they are increasing pressure now; they are now being told they can stop with the deck guns, they can get it with the hand lines.

16:39: Squad 27 is en route.

16:40: E-10 being told to decrease their pressure now.

16:41: Engine 9 is approaching the scene.

16:42: Engines 27 and 9 are on scene. Command is asking Control to have West Penn Power shut the meter off to this building.

16:43: Tanker 27 is approaching; they are instructed to send their manpower to E-10.

16:45: Tanker 27 is reporting on scene.

16:50: The crew at the hydrant is being instructed to lower their pressure.

16:51: Command is being advised West Penn Power sees a meter for the residence but not the garage; Command is telling them to just shut it off.

18:07: Engine 27 remains on scene. Station 15 back in service.

18:20: Station 3 units are clear of this incident.

18:23: Engine 10 reports Station 10 is back in service.

18:29: Incident terminated.

19:51: A Station 15 line officer is requesting his station be reactivated for a rekindle of this fire. Station 15 only is requested, and their brush truck is needed.

19:54: Station 15 acknowledges for the rekindle.

20:05: Engine 15-2 is en route.

20:15: E-15-2 is on scene.

20:56: The incident for the rekindle is now terminated.