Juvenile Rolled Quad, Mizener Ln. Clay Twp

18:20: Station 25, 14, and 99 to 151 Mizener Lane in Clay Township for a juvenile that rolled a quad, short of breath. 99-5 responding. Station 14 acknowledges.

Multiple stations alerted for a quad/ATV rollover with a juvenile patient.

18:22: Rescue 14 is en route.

18:23: Rescue 25 en route. 99-5 is requesting the availability of an aircraft.

18:26: Rescue 25 is verifying with Control if a helicopter is standing by; Control states they are checking ETAs now. R-25 states they should be able to land at the scene.

18:29: Control is advising 99-5 that Stat 6 gave a 9 minute ETA if needed.

18:32: Rescue 25 is advising incoming Station 14 units that they have a long drive back to the patient. A stokes basket may be needed.

18:33: Rescue 25 is instructing Rescue 14 to send their manpower. The Utility truck is requested from Station 25.

18:35: Utility 25 is en route. Rescue 14 is on scene.

18:36: 99-5 is on scene.

18:37: The patient is being walked out now by Rescue 14 manpower, and Control is to be notified that a helicopter will be needed. LZ will be somewhere on Claytonia Road.

18:40: Control advises Stat is in the air. Stat 6 (Clarion based) was airborne from ACMH Kittanning at 18:32.

18:41: Units on scene are reporting the LZ will be the corner of Hallston and Claytonia.

18:44: Utility 25 is giving a landing zone brief to Stat 6.

18:47: Stat is reported on the ground at the landing zone.

18:48: Units are advising extrication is still in progress and it may be awhile until they can load on the helicopter. The pilot is stating he is heavy on fuel and he is going to leave the helicopter running and possibly send the medical crew to assist the patient.

18:51: The ground crew is asking the units working on extrication if the flight crew is needed to assist but they are told they can standby at the aircraft.

19:02: The ambulance is reportedly en route to the LZ now.

19:09: Units are stating traffic will be stopped when the helicopter takes off; it is unclear when that will be at this time.

19:21: Stat is reported in the air with a destination of UPMC Children’s Hospital.

19:23: Rescue 25 is reporting all fire units are back in service at this time. 99-5 is also reporting clear of the landing zone now.