11:40: Stations 9 and 56 alerted for a 70 year old male who fell 25 feet out of a tree stand at 196 Pine Haven Drive. Reported with a hip injury, patient is still in the woods. Station 56 acknowledges the call.
11:41: Chief 9 is responding.
11:43: 56-2 is en route.
11:44: 56-2 is asking Control to check the availability of air medical at this time.
11:45: 56-2 is stating they are BLS only and they are requesting an ALS unit be dispatched. Control is asking which station they want and they replied, closest available. Chief 9 is requesting Station 44.
11:46: Station 44 is added to the call.
11:48: EMS is asking Chief 9 has a UTV responding; he states he is almost on scene and will investigate.
11:51: Control states air medical is on standby with a 9 minute ETA if needed.
11:52: Chief 9 is on location.
11:53: Station 26 is now requested for a UTV by Chief 9. Squad 9 is en route. Station 26 is alerted and acknowledges the call.
11:55: 56-2 is advising Chief 9 they are on Pine Haven, asking where to stage; they are instructed to park behind the Command vehicle, a side-by-side will be bringing the patient out.
11:57: 44-1 and Rescue 9 are both approaching the scene. Rescue 9 is telling 44-1 to go around him. Rescue 9 is being instructed by Chief 9 to bring a backboard.
11:58: Rescue 9 and 44-1 are now reporting on scene.
11:59: Squad 26 is en route with UTV 26 now.
12:00: 56-2 is stating per 44-1, Control is to launch air medical. Control is checking if the scene is to be used as the landing zone. They are checking now.
12:01: Chief 9 is stating the aircraft can land in a field near the dispatched address close to the patient. Control states it will be Stat 16.
12:02: Control is confirming Stat 16 with a 9 minute ETA to the scene.
12:03: Squad 9 is approaching the scene. Chief 9 is instructing them to bring the Squad back a trail following the UTV to establish the LZ.
12:06: Squad 26 is on scene.
12:07: Stat MedEvac is now airborne from ACMH Kittanning.
12:08: Rescue 26 is also approaching, instructed to stage on the hard road at this time.
12:11: Stat 16 is crossing the Armstrong Butler County line, reporting 1 minute out and requesting an LZ brief.
12:12: The LZ crew is reporting they have visual contact on the aircraft.
12:13: The aircraft reports they do not have a visual; it appears they overshot the LZ and the ground crew now reports they passed directly overhead.
12:14: The aircraft is reporting they have visual on the landing zone now. They are making their approach.
12:16: Chief 9 is reporting Stat 16 is on the ground at the LZ.
12:30: There have been no further updates from the scene. Stat MedEvac remains on the ground at the landing zone.
12:31: Chief 9 is now reporting Stat is in the air.
12:41: 56-2 is now en route to a call at Chicora Medical Center directly from this incident.
12:42: Chief 9 is reporting the incident is terminated, all units are back in service.
12:46: Control is checking with 44-1 what is the aircraft’s destination; they state UPMC Presbyterian.
12:47: Control is asking 44-1 if they are also clear of they incident; they are clear.
12:52: Stat 16 appears to be at the helipad, UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh.