Major MVA w/ Entrapment, Mars-Valencia Rd

04:29: Station 42, Rescue 16, Engines 19 and 21, and Station 76 alerted for an MVA, vehicle into a structure, 440 Mars-Valencia Rd; reported garbage truck vs garbage truck, both into a building, now also reported with entrapment.

Initial dispatch for a major MVA on Mars-Valencia Road in Adams Township.

04:30: Stations 76 and 21 acknowledging the call.

04:31: Chief 19, Engine 19 en route.

04:32: 76-1 en route. Medic 955 is asking 76-1 if they should start that way as well. Engine 21-2 en route. Chiefs 16 and 16-2 en route to their station.

04:33: Rescue 42 en route as well as Chief 42-2. Chief 76-3 is advising Medic 955 to proceed.

04:34: Control now advising all units caller is still on the line. There is 1 individual entrapped inside the truck, inside the building; the building appears to have shifted and the truck is possibly sinking into the basement. Chief 42-2 now requesting an additional Rescue from Station 22.

The caller reports entrapment and possible structural collapse.

04:35: Station 22 and Team 50 alerted for the call.

Station 22 and Team 50 are added to the call.

04:36: Team 50 acknowledging, Rescue 22 en route. Station 16 also acknowledging.

04:37: Engine 19 is approaching the scene; they are instructed to standby at a nearby hydrant at this time pending an assessment of the scene.

04:38: Chief 42 is on scene. Mars-Valencia Road will be fully closed.

04:39: Chief 11 en route, Medic 955 en route. Chief 19 on scene.

04:45: Rescue 16 en route.

04:46: Medic 955 possibly on scene.

04:47: Engine 22-3 en route.

04:49: Rescue 22 is on scene.

04:50: Squad 15 en route.

04:51: A unit is in the basement reporting they do not see anything structural in the basement, there are either windows blown out or they need windows blown out – the transmission was not clear.

A unit is reporting no sign of structural damage in the basement at this time.

04:52: “No sagging of the supports.”

04:53: Rescue 16 on location.

04:56: Rescue 11 en route.

04:58: Command is requesting the power company to the scene; they are stating “emergency status” for this request.

05:00: 76 is requesting the status of Stat MedEvac’s crew at UPMC Cranberry; if they are available, Station 51 is requested to be toned out to transport the Stat crew directly to the scene.

05:01: Power is reportedly shut off. There was an urgent request for Oil-Dri.

05:02: The Stat crew is available; they are requested possibly for both blood and crash protocol.

05:03: Squad 98 is not available; Station 51 copied direct and 51-3 is en route to pickup the aircrew.

05:05: Squad 15 on scene.

05:07: Engine 22-3 on scene.

05:10: Power company crew has 1-1.5 hour ETA but reports a remote shut-off was successful for the address provided of 440 Mars-Valencia Road. Command is attempting to verify that.

05:11: Command reports the address sign is underneath the truck so he cannot verify it for the power company, but the power is still on at this time (per their discussion, it appears the correct address for the incident would be either 441 or 449 Mars-Valencia Road). Rescue 11 is on scene with the trailer (provides equipment to assist with securing the structure) now.

Control is attempting to narrow down the exact address to provide to the power company.

05:12: Chief 16 is advising Command there are 2 tow trucks there now.

05:16: 51-3 reports they are en route to the scene with the flight crew now.

05:22: 76-3 requesting an ETA from 51-3.

05:23: 51-3 is stating they just turned onto Mars-Valencia, about a minute or two.

05:24: 51-3 is on scene.

05:25: A unit is asking what the “chance of success” is, the reply was “100%, he’ll be out in a minute.”

05:26: Command reports a single patient has been extricated at this time.

05:27: CPR is in progress by EMS on scene per Command.

05:34: Control is advising Command a truck needs moved per PD for EMS access; Command advised PD can get in and move it if fire units are not there fast enough.

05:38: Control states there was a 20 minute hold with the power company, but they do believe the power is now remotely disconnected.

05:39: Command is advising all of the lights are still on in this structure.

05:40: A unit is asking Chief 42 if the gas company has been notified yet. No response.

05:49: Command is requesting Cranberry Fire Police be dispatched for traffic control.

05:52: Control states Penn Power is now en route and will be there as soon as possible.

05:53: 51-3 is possibly en route to Passavant Cranberry.

05:56: 76-3 remains on scene at this time.

06:02: Fire Police are requesting orders; they are instructed to close Mars-Valencia Road at Downieville with one unit and the other end of Mars-Valencia Road with another unit if possible; they are to relieve Northern Regional PD. Sky4 for WTAE appears to be en route now from the Allegheny County Airport.

06:17: Station 21 units have been released by Command with the exception of Fire Police.

06:20: The Sky4 helicopter appears to be overhead now.

06:24: Command is now advising the power is off to the structure.

06:25: Rescue 16 is returning to station. Fire Police are stating multiple cars have now driven over the burning flares they have setup.

06:26: Fire Police are advising Command that state police have arrived now.

06:32: 51-3 is back in service.

06:37: Fire Police state “the same lady” who ran over the flares previously just came back through and ran over them again.

06:40: A Fire Police unit is checking if there is any way for a school bus to get down the road; there is not, both sides are fully closed. Rescue 22 is reporting all Harmony Fire units are clear of the incident.

07:00: Sky4 appears to be departing the scene. There have been no additional updates on the scanner.

07:07: A unit is stating there is a drone over the scene now; it is unclear to whom this drone belongs.

07:16: Medic 955 is reporting back in service and returning to Allegheny County.

07:17: An unidentified unit is requesting the Rescue 42 crew return to the Rescue ASAP.

08:00: Fire Police state Charley’s Towing has been on scene for some time now, but they are not ready to pull the truck out yet. The road is still fully closed to all traffic at this time. PSP is continuing their investigation; FP units state it may be 1-2 hours.

08:04: Fire Police are checking if it is possible for a vehicle to get into the business across the road from the incident; the reply is negative.

08:07: Units have confirmed vehicles can still not get into the location across from the incident.

08:34: A vehicle is attempting to get onto Camp Trees Road and they are being told to go all the way around to access it; Fire Police are at the intersection of Mars-Valencia Road, Downieville Road, and Camp Trees Road right now.

09:16: An unidentified unit, possibly Command, is stating they will be having a debrief at the Command Post.

09:26: Police investigation complete; fire units will begin removing the truck now.

10:22: Fire Police are stating Charley’s is hooked up to the garbage truck at this time but they are not ready to remove it and FP believes it will be at least an hour still until they can clear.

10:41: Units are asking if the front passenger wheel of the vehicle is out of the building yet; the reply is negative, it will be in a few more feet.

10:44: They’re are stating it is out of the building now.

10:45: Mars-Valencia Road Command is reporting to Control the vehicle has been fully removed from the building at this time.

10:51: Station 15 was alerted for a fire alarm call; Chief 15-2 is asking Control to add West Deer to that call as they are out at this incident.

11:07: Squad 15 is clear of this incident now.

11:30: Status update from Fire Police stating the truck has been removed by Charley’s and the cab is being covered and the truck needs loaded; it will still be a bit until they can clear.

11:54: Lieutenant 42 is requested by Command to bring a 16′ ladder back to the structure.

11:57: Fire Police state they spoke with Adams PD and they still estimate about a half hour on scene; the fire department is collecting their equipment and waiting for Charley’s to finish hooking up to the garbage truck.

12:19: Fire Police are stating it shouldn’t be much longer at this time.

12:51: Lieutenant 42 is being advised by Chief 42 they are starting demolition now.

12:59: Command is advising traffic control one of the garbage trucks is going to be removed shortly.

13:02: Command is requesting Control mark on the incident that both garbage trucks have been removed by tow trucks at this time.

13:15: Command is now advising traffic control units that fire units are preparing to depart the scene; after the fire units pass the roadway can be reopened.

13:18: Fire Police state the tows have left and it appears only Engine and Rescue 42 remain, and it looks like they are picking up now.

13:19: Mars-Valencia Road Command is terminated; all fire and fire police units are clear and in service.

13:50: 76-3 is just now reporting clear of the crash.