Smoke from Henry’s Meat Market, Harrisville

22:10: Stations 34, 33, 85, 95 and Superior EMS alerted for smoke from 201 W. Mercer St. Harrisville. Report of smoke from the rear of Henry’s Meat Market.

22:11: Superior and Station 33 acknowledging.

22:12: Chief 34 acknowledges the call, en route to his station.

22:13: Station 31 reports they have personnel heading to their station if they are needed; Chief 34 states they can standby at this time. Engine 33-2 and Tower 33 en route. Commander 31 is requesting his station be added to the incident.

22:14: Captain 34 is on location reporting nothing showing at this time.

22:15: Captain 34 is holding the incident to Station 34 only.

22:16: Captain 34 states the owners are on location and this was smoke coming from meat smokers. Incident terminated.