Triaxle Rollover, William Flinn @ Sunset

11:10: Stations 14 and 99 alerted for an MVA with rollover, William Flynn Highway @ Sunset Drive, reportedly 1 patient unconscious. 99-5 is assigned.

Unionville Fire Department and Butler Ambulance alerted for an MVA with rollover and 1 patient unconscious.

11:11: Lieutenant 14 is en route to the scene. 99-5 en route. Station 14 acknowledging with 1 man on station.

11:12: Control is advising Chief 14-3 an additional caller is reporting this is a triaxle rolled over, the truck driver is the one unconscious, possibly entrapped. Chief 14-3 is requesting Station 33 be added to the call. Station 33 alerted and acknowledging.

Additional call now reports the vehicle rolled over is a triaxle and the driver is unconscious and entrapped.
Slippery Rock Fire Department Station 33 is added to the call.

11:14: First unit on scene is reporting 2 vehicles, confirming a triaxle rolled over, investigating. Chief 33-3 is acknowledging the call.

First unit on scene is confirming a triaxle rolled over.

11:15: 99-5 is arriving on scene; they are instructed by Command to pull into the northbound lane by the truck; there is 1 patient and he is conscious at this time.

Command is indicating the patient is conscious at this time.

11:16: Control is advising William Flynn Command that LifeFlight 4 is on standby with an 11 minute ETA to Station 14. Rescue 14 is en route, requesting orders; they are instructed to pull in behind the ambulance and take the window out of the vehicle as the patient cannot get out any other way.

Air medical is on standby and Rescue 14 is instructed to remove the truck window to extricate the patient.

11:17: Rescue 14 on scene.

11:18: Engine 33-2 reported en route but is now canceled by Command.

11:24: Station 14 is asking Command if they need additional resources; they are instructed to standby at this time.

11:28: LifeFlight4 is now requested airborne to Station 14.

Air medical is requested in the air to the fixed LZ at Unionville Fire Department.

11:29: Control advising Station 14 ground units the aircraft is LifeFlight 4 with a 7 minute ETA to their fixed landing zone.

11:30: LifeFlight is airborne from the Butler Airport.

11:35: LifeFlight is passing the 356 / 422 junction.

11:36: LF-4 is reporting less than 1 minute out, requesting LZ brief and stating no visual on an ambulance at this time, requesting an ETA on the patient. Ground crews do not have that info at this time.

11:38: 99-5 is transporting to the LZ. LF-4 is reporting on final to land, asking if the flight crew will be needed at the scene; the crew is now advising the aircraft the patient is inbound to the landing zone already.

11:39: 99-5 is at the LZ.

11:40: The helicopter appears to be on the ground at Station 14.

11:54: LifeFlight is airborne from Station 14.

11:58: 99-5 is reporting patient care transferred, destination AGH.

12:00: 99-4 is inbound to BMH with a female patient from an MVA; it is not clear if they were at this scene but there are no other MVAs active on the scanner at this time.

12:01: A unit on scene is reporting a tow truck is on its way to the scene now.

14:22: Incident terminated; all Station 14 units back in service.