Fall Victim, 315 Garden Ave, Butler Twp.

23:10: Station 99 dispatched for an Echo response to 315 Garden Avenue in Butler Township for a 75 year old male unresponsive, unknown breathing status. Station 99 acknowledges; 99-4 is assigned and the fire department is requested for assistance.

23:11: Station 3 dispatched for the possible cardiac arrest. Station 3-2 acknowledging.

23:12: 99-4 is en route.

23:13: Squad 3-2 and Captain 3 are en route.

23:17: Squad 3-2 is on scene. Station 3 acknowledges the call with 1 man on station.

23:19: Captain 3 and 99-4 on scene. Brush 3 en route.

23:21: 99-4 now states this is a fall victim with head trauma; they are requesting the availability of air medical.

Butler Ambulance now requesting a helicopter.

23:22: Control advising 99-4 LifeFlight 4 is at home (Butler Airport); the ambulance states to put them in the air to the VA parking lot. Station 38 is requested for the landing zone. Brush 3 is on scene.

LifeFlight is available and requested in the air.

23:24: Station 38 alerted for the landing zone at the New Castle Road VA complex.

23:25: Engine 38 is en route to setup the LZ.

23:26: Engine 38 is out at the LZ.

23:30: 99-4 is advising Engine 38 they are loading the patient now and will be en route to the VA soon.

23:32: Control is verifying with Engine 38 they are at the New Castle Road VA location; they state affirmative, the south side of the hospital facility.

23:36: LF-4 is airborne from Butler Airport.

23:39: LifeFlight 4 requesting the landing zone briefing from Engine 38.

LifeFlight receiving the landing zone brief from the VA Fire unit.

23:43: LifeFlight is on the LZ behind the New Castle Road VA complex.

23:59: LF-4 is airborne from the VA; Engine 38 reports the destination is AGH and they are back in service.

00:01: 99-4 is clear of the LZ.

00:14: LifeFlight 4 appears to be on the helipad at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh.