Vehicle Fire, off Branchton Road

09:19: Vehicle fire reported near Branchton Road and Sandy Lane. Caller reportedly had to come out a long dirt road to call out.

09:21: Control states this may be near the strip mine across the street from the given intersection.

09:40: Units had been in the area, unable to locate anything; they are now reporting heavy smoke in the area of the substation.

09:41: Station 33 and 52 units now on scene reporting two vehicles on fire, apparently near the entrance to the power substation. They are requesting PSP.

09:51: Chief 33 reports both fires are under control at this time. He is checking if Control has any contacts for Allegheny Mineral as this is on their property and asking if PSP is responding, Control only states “they were advised.”

09:53: Control states that “according to Google” Allegheny Mineral’s office should be open, if the fire units want to drive down there.

09:54: Control now advising Chief 33 that PSP has indicated their car just left the barracks.

10:19: Incident terminated.