MVA, New Castle Rd @ Moraine Pointe

15:53: Stations 3, 38, and 99 alerted for a vehicle accident on New Castle Road at the entrance to Moraine Pointe Plaza by Sam’s Club. Reportedly 2 vehicles with unknown injuries.

Multiple stations alerted for a 2-vehicle MVA at the entrance of Moraine Pointe with unknown injuries.

15:54: Station 3-2 acknowledging the call; Chief 3 en route to the scene. 99-4 assigned.

15:55: 99-4, Engine 38, BT-3 en route.

15:57: Engine 38 on scene reporting 3 vehicles involved, minor damage, investigating. BT-3 arriving, taking Command.

15:58: Chief 3 on scene.

16:00: Rescue 3-2 en route.

16:02: Engine 3 en route. 99-3 on scene.

16:05: Squad 3-3 en route. Rescue 3-2 on scene.

16:06: Squad 3-3 instructed to downgrade to non-emergency.

16:12: Engine 3 and Squad 3-3 on location.

16:13: New Castle Road Command is requesting Control send the nearest air medical unit to the parking lot of the VA; Engine 38 will be ground contact.

Command is requesting the nearest helicopter be sent to the VA parking lot.

16:15: Engine 38 is out at the landing zone.

16:17: Control notifying Engine 38 it will be Stat 3 inbound; no ETA was given.

16:26: New Castle Road Command reporting all Station 3 units are back in service.

16:29: Stat 3 taking the LZ brief from Engine 38.

16:32: Engine 38 reports the aircraft is on the ground.

16:41: 99-4 is back in service; patient is airborne to Presby.

16:42: Engine 38 reporting back in service.