MVA w/ Entrapment, Kittanning Pike

16:02: Stations 29 and 39 dispatched for MVA w/ injury, Kittanning Pike on Bear Creek turn, one vehicle overturned with entrapment, patient unconscious with head injury.

Stations 29 and 39 alerted for an MVA with rollover and entrapment; 1 patient reportedly unconscious.

16:03: Emlenton Ambulance added to the call.

Emlenton Ambulance added to the call.

16:04: Lieutenant 29 en route.

16:05: 55-4 en route.

16:08: Rescue 39 en route.

16:09: Traffic from Rescue 39 was clipped out or walked on; Control is advising them LifeFlight 2 is on a 14 minute standby, checking weather.

16:11: Squad 55 en route.

16:12: A request was apparently made to Control but was either clipped by an unrelated dispatch or was unreadable. Control is stating “that has been already done, a re-trip, and LifeFlight 2 is on standby with a 14 minute ETA.” Lieutenant 39 contacting Chief 39 asking what they need at the scene; Chief 39 is stating medical personnel. The lieutenant states they’ll be en route momentarily.

Control restating LifeFlight 2 is on a 14 minute standby at this time.
Chief 39 is stating they will need any available medical personnel from the station first.

16:13: Squad 55 stating they are coming up (possibly River Road(?), audio is not clear), asking if they should go to the scene or the ball fields (for an LZ).

16:14: Engine 29 en route.

16:15: 55-4 on scene.

16:16: An incoming unit, traffic broken, requesting orders, instructed to send manpower and assist with popping doors.

Unit on scene advising incoming units to assist with door pops.

16:18: Squad 29 en route. A unit is checking with Command whether to proceed to an LZ at the ballfields or to the scene; Command states they were just checking if that unit was available for a landing zone; at this time EMS hasn’t said if they’re flying the patient.

It is unclear at this time if the patient will be flown.

16:20: Engine 29 on scene, they were instructed to assist shutting down the roadway. Squad 55 stating same traffic.

Engine 29 and Squad 55 now on scene. The road is to be closed.

16:28: PSP reported on scene.

Fire Police 29 advising Engine 29 that state police have arrived.

16:29: Chief 39 stating Control can have the helicopter stand down. The request was repeated due to scratchy audio.

The air medical unit has been released at this time.

16:31: Unidentified unit asking Control if they copied the request to stand down the helicopter.

Another unit reiterating that air medical can be released.

16:32: 55-4 en route to BMH ALS.

EMS reporting ground transport to Butler Memorial Hospital at this time.

16:33: Squad and Engine 55 reporting clear of the scene.

16:45: 55-4 repeatedly trying to contact Control regarding a landing zone.

EMS attempting to reach Control.

16:46: 55-4 was now able to raise Control and request Eau Claire fire be dispatched for a landing zone. Control states they had the medical helicopter canceled per Command; 55-4 seems to state “re-do” and Control asks them to repeat. 55-4 reiterates the request for Eau Claire fire to be dispatched for a landing zone. Control wants to know where the LZ will be – which is typically asked of the fire crews who actually land the helicopters – but 55-4 states they are about a mile out from Oneida Valley. Control now asking the EMS crew if they’ll use the ball fields in Eau Claire. No immediate response from the 55 unit.

There seems to have been some confusion over where the landing zone would be and which unit was responsible for designating that landing zone.

16:47: 55-4 advising Control they are closer to North Washington; requesting Station 30 instead of 32. Control asking them again where they want they LZ, they state this time they’ll use the rodeo grounds.

North Washington Station 30 now requested in place of Eau Claire Station 32. LZ at the rodeo grounds.

16:49: Station 30 alerted for the landing zone.

North Washington Station 30 alerted to setup the landing zone at the North Washington Rodeo Grounds.

16:50: Chief 30-3 is en route to the rodeo grounds asking if Control has provided an ETA for the air evacuation unit yet; Control states they are working on that now.

16:52: Control advising Chief 30-3 LifeFlight 4 now gave a 15 minute ETA, ground contact is LZ 30 on Air Ops 1.

LifeFlight 4 has been dispatched to the rodeo grounds.

16:55: Chief 30-3 checking which unit is inbound, Control states 55-4 but no one seems to be able to hear 55-4.

16:57: 55-4 trying to respond to Command, again. Chief 30-3 now picking them up, giving instructions for their approach into the Rodeo Grounds.

16:58: 55-4 reported on scene at the Rodeo Grounds by Chief 30-3.

16:59: Chief 30-3 reporting on scene at the Landing Zone.

17:03: LifeFlight 4 is airborne from Butler Airport..

17:06: LF-4 is crossing 422 just west of the Route 8 intersection.

17:08: LF-4 contacting LZ 30 for the landing zone brief reporting 2 minutes out.

17:10: LZ crew reporting visual contact on the aircraft; the aircraft has the LZ and is orbiting to land.

17:12: The aircraft appears to be on the ground at the North Washington Rodeo Grounds landing zone. The LZ crew was not heard reporting them on the ground.

17:20: Roadway is shut down for the tow truck.

17:21: Chief 39 reporting some of his units clearing and returning; Rescue 39 and their Fire Police are remaining on scene at this time.

17:31: LZ crew checking if units have cleared the scene yet; Control states negative.

17:31: PSP asking if the crew is still on scene and how long, they’re stating they’re waiting on the tow truck at this point.

17:32: LifeFlight 4 has been spotted airborne, southbound to Pittsburgh.

17:55: LifeFlight 4 appears to be on the helipad at Allegheny General Hospital.

17:58: All Station 29 and 39 units are back in service.