PetCo Employees Exposed to Pufferfish

17:25: Station 99 alerted for 2 employees at the PetCo, 760 Butler Crossing, exposed to pufferfish. One is having difficulty swallowing as of dispatch. 99-4 assigned and en route.

Butler Ambulance dispatched for a Charlie response.

17:31: 99-4 on scene.

17:37: 99-8 now also responding to this incident.

17:41: 99-8 on scene.

17:48: 99-4 is transporting an 18 year old female BLS to Butler complaining of headache and arm swelling at the contact point.

17:50: 99-8 transporting to BMH, BLS, a female in her 40s complaining of dizziness, and tingling and burning in the affected arm.