MVA, Freeport Rd Near Heasley’s Nursery

06:22: Stations 10 and 44 alerted for an MVA with at least 1 injury near Heasley’s Nursery, 254 Freeport Road. One vehicle reported into a utility pole.

06:25: 44-1 en route.

06:29: Rescue 10, Engine 10 en route.

06:34: Rescue 10 on location. Control notifying 44-1 police are on scene advising of 1 patient with a head laceration.

06:38: Freeport Road Command asking Control to notify West Penn Power. There are no wires down but the pole is sheared off. The closest address is 252 Freeport Road.

06:43: Control states West Penn Power has been notified, no ETA available.

06:48: 44-1 is transporting to BMH.

06:49: Rescue 10 is clearing this scene to respond to the MVA on Mushroom Farm Road. Engine 10 remains on scene here.

06:50: Control advising Freeport Road Command West Penn Power has now called back and given the standard 1-2 hour ETA.

07:00: 44-1 is at BMH.