MVA w/ Rollover, I-79 SB @ 80 MM

05:28: Stations 21, 22, 42, and 51 alerted for a single vehicle rollover with unknown injuries near the 80 mile marker of I-79 southbound. Station 21 advising Control they have 3 individuals on the PA Turnpike currently on another incident; requesting their station be reactivated.

Multiple stations alerted for a vehicle rollover on Interstate 79.

05:29: 51-1 en route. Station 21 re-alerted.

05:30: Chief 22 responding; Control now advising this will be a pickup truck. Chief 21-2, Duty Chief 42 en route.

05:31: Rescue 42, Chief 21 en route.

05:35: 51-1 on scene advising Control there is 1 vehicle on its side on the left hand side of the road and a passerby picked up the patient and took them to the old weigh station. Control asked to advise responding fire units; Control told 51-1 if they can switch to the Fire channel, “they’ll all hear.”

EMS arriving first and providing an update.

05:36: Chief 21 asking Control if there is negative entrapment confirmed so the incident can be downgraded; Control checked with 51-1 and they stated affirmative. Rescue 22 en route.

05:37: Chief 21 checking Rescue 42’s location; they just crossed over Franklin Road at 228; Chief 21 instructs them to continue in as Rescue 21 is still tied up on the turnpike. R-42 checking if they should respond to the original location or the weigh station; Chief 21 stated Chief 21-2 is about a mile out and can advise when he is on scene. Engine 21 en route.

05:38: Chief 21-2 arriving on scene, confirming 1 vehicle on its side, no entrapment, and this is at the 80.4 mile marker on the left shoulder (this would be just before the entrance to the old weigh station, in Cranberry Township).

05:39: Chief 21 asking Chief 21-2 if they still need Rescue 22; C-21-2 states negative if Rescue 42 will be there.

05:41: Chief 21 on scene.

05:42: Rescue 42, DC-42 on scene.

05:44: All Station 22 units canceled by Command.

05:45: 51-1 at the weigh station asking for an apparatus to that location until state police arrive. Rescue 42 is instructed to proceed there; they were on the exit ramp returning in service and are diverting.

EMS requesting a unit and manpower to assist with the patient until PSP arrive on scene.

05:47: 51-1 is clear, stating the patient is with the fire unit now.

EMS clearing the scene and reporting the patient is with the fire personnel now.

05:54: DC-42 is telling I-79 Command the driver is in the chief’s vehicle now and waiting for the driver’s son, checking if there is an ETA on PSP for their report. Command spotted PSP coming through traffic before Control could get a response.

05:56: Rescue 42 returning to station.

06:06: DC-42 is clear of the scene.

06:33: Chief 21-2 advising Fire Police 13 there is a firearm under the seat of the wrecked vehicle that needs removed.

06:34: Rescue 21 back in service.

06:39: Chief 21-2 advising Engine 21 to notify Butler Control when they are clear of the scene.

06:53: Engine 21 reporting I-79 Command terminated.