MVA w/ Injury, Fisher Road @ Freeport Rd

22:17: Stations 15 and 45 alerted. Reported multiple vehicles, with injury.

Saxonburg Fire and Saxonburg Ambulance alerted for a multiple-vehicle wreck with injuries.

22:18: Chief 15-2 en route.

22:20: Station 15 acknowledging. Requesting Herman. Station 10 alerted. 45-3 en route. Chief 15-2 on scene, vehicles still on the road, checking injuries.

Herman Fire Station 10 added to the call.
Chief 15-2 arriving on scene.

20:22: Chief 15-2 requesting a 2nd EMS unit. 45-3 states control will need to go to backup.

20:24: Control asking Station 99 if they have a unit for this incident; they do not.

20:26: 45-3 on scene. Rescue 15 en route. Squad 15-2 approaching, advised to turn left onto Freeport and to slow traffic on Freeport Road at the top of the hill.

20:27: Freeport 70-2 will be the 2nd EMS unit.

20:28: Rescue 10 en route.

20:29: Chief 15 advising Rescue 15 they will need to do a driver’s side door pop for 1 female patient.

Chief 15-2 reporting 1 female will need extricated via door pop.

22:30: Rescue 15 instructed to turn right off Fisher Road for the vehicle that needs the door pop.

22:31: Engine 15-2 en route. Control states 45-1 is also en route.

22:32: Fire Police to close roadway for the Rescue. Rescue 15 on scene.

22:33: Rescue 10 instructed to come in behind Rescue 15 to assist with extrication.

22:35: Engine 15-2 approaching, also instructed to assist with extrication.

22:36: Traffic to be turned around at the Field House. E-15-2 on scene.

22:38: Freeport Road Command checking the availability of the nearest helicopter. Control asking if they’re needed to the scene; Command states have them standby at this time.

Command checking for the nearest air medical.

22:39: Command now stating to send the helicopter to the scene, behind the Field House.

Command now stating the helicopter will land behind the Field House.

22:41: Control states LifeFlight 4 gave a 10 minute ETA and is standing by. Chief 15-2 requests them in the air.

Control states LifeFlight for is on 10 minute standby; Command requests them be launched.

22:42: Fire Police stating another ambulance is approaching.

22:43: LifeFlight 4, 10 minute ETA per Control.

22:45: Fire Police stating the father of one of the patients is coming up to the scene on foot; they’re advised to just make sure his vehicle is off the road.

22:50: LifeFlight 4 has not yet departed their base at Butler Airport.

22:55: LifeFlight 4 departed the airport.

22:57: LF4 requesting the landing zone brief reporting 30 seconds out from overhead.

LifeFlight 4 receiving the landing zone briefing.

23:01: Fire Police reporting 2 tow trucks coming his way. LifeFlight can be heard in the background but has not been reported on the ground yet.

23:05: Command states patient is extricated and en route the the LZ.

23:06: LifeFlight 4 is now reported on the ground.

23:07: Command checking which helicopter is there and the LZ crew confirms LifeFlight 4.

23:15: No further updates from the scene. The helicopter remains on the ground at the landing zone.

23:18: Rescue 10 reporting in service and returning from this incident.

23:19: 45-1 advising Command the Flight Crew states their destination will be AGH.

23:20: The helicopter is still on the ground at the LZ.

23:26: LifeFlight is airborne to Pittsburgh.

23:27: Fire Police checking if the road is still to remain closed and it is until they hear from Chief 15-2.

23:28: Chief 15-2 stating they can now reopen the road and return to station.

23:32: Command terminated, Station 15 units back in service. Control checking if Freeport Ambulance is also clear as Control never heard anything from Freeport. Command states Freeport will be clearing shortly as well.

23:34: 45-1 back in service.

23:35: 45-3 stating their patient is a patient refusal, 45-1’s patient was taken by LifeFlight, and all 45 and Freeport 70 units are now clear as well.